Atlantic. Due to the Potros’ feeling committed by their associations

When the MX League decision to suspend the ascent during the pandemic over the various economic problems of the clubs, the directive of Atlantic, which is integrated by a group of companies supported by the representative Greg Taylor, Manuel Velarde, Gabriel Solares and Emilio Escalante, decidieron adquirir al Queretaro for here occupy this place in the First Division con los Potros en la Ciudad de México.

The situation changed with the passing of the days. Queretaro is quenched in the MX League y Atlantic off Expansion League, pero la sociedad se dividió: Taylor, Velarde en Solares quedaron con los Gallos and Escalante con los Potros, algo que hizo sentir engañado al dueño azulgrana.

If you are a little (engaged) because you are not engaged or a reality but not as much as you put it at the beginning first thing first is a franchise sale that finally has no hub; luego el de ir a Queretaro and yet it was impossible, but I was going to enter it in accordance with the time when it was not reality and I had to leave the group because I did not enter football for it, my idea was to save the team that is historic ” , dijo Escalante in an interview with Mediotiempo.

‘Cuando hubo todo eso, ek ofrecen al Atlantic and then the decision of quedarme, but we were not the one who asked when the animals came why do you want me to have something else and change everything ”.

Escalante demonstrated that its unique intention was always part of the directive of the Azulgrana joint y nee de Queretaro, pues es un fiel seguidor de los azulgranas y por eso comenzó con een minimum percentage of actions.

“If you want to participate and enter with 10 per cent of actions when the team is in Cancun and there is no more than that, when you train everywhere the agreed parts that the others are provided with Queretaro y yo con Atlantic and me the adventure because I know who knew how to move with the team”.

An initiation from cero

With this administration the team of the Atlantic emcee cero, fue a project without players and in its first semester llegaron the Finale del Aperture 2020, perdiéndola in time extra ante Tampico Madero.

“I have a lot of people who care about me, but I’ve been waiting for them and hemos ido poco a poco structuring the team empezando de cero and hemos ido armando de a poco. The tour will take us to the Final, we will record the title and lamentably our love and all will be learned ”.
