At the moment a gay man is speaking out against his wife and another California restaurant owner

(Video: Twitter @timednewsC)

In a video escalator captured by the security cameras at a restaurant of Monterey Park, ubicado and California, United States of America, an armed man led to shoot at people. Follow the authorities, one of them was his wife.

Passed during the passing of April 6, when King Yixin the 38 years held by the corresponding security elements, presumably the person responsible for having assigned one day to his employment Ling Ling Wang of 36 years and Zhaiming Li of 37. Agree with the middle ground KTLA, both fueron hallados con multiples heridas de bala en Music BBQ Bar in the 500 block of West Garvey Avenue.

In the video of a minute, diffused in social networks, you can watch the Ling and Zhaiming appearing in a restaurant table, when immediately a man enters with a paper ball in the manuscripts and instantly directs to the bed in which he encounters the comedians.

At the moment of approaching the victims, the subject sac of the ball a pistol and cleavage with varying disparos hacia Zhaiming.

A test logo grabs from the avuera (Photo: Captura de pantalla / NBC los Ángeles)
A logisto grabber desde afuera (Photo: Captura de pantalla / NBC los Ángeles)

Indeed, the husband’s promise is expeditiously and intentionally detained by Yixin immobilizer, no matter,the individual with the pistol discards the woman and this cayo on the floor without power realizes any other movement.

Posteriorly, the victim cargo ora vez su arma y remató con más disparos a los heridos, to be able to quarantine observing by a pair of seconds, salir of the restaurant burning and finally understand the skin.

Según KTLA, the legal documents that signal that the Wang and Yixin’s tenants are jealous of them and the case involves a “child abuse suspect”, however, the details are not yet available.

Asimismo, the police agents lograron rastrear the parade of the implied, the cual is found near the front with Mexico, situated at the end of a day after the attack and was transferred to the Monterey Park Police Department for recourse, with the finalization of his arrest officially by the officers.

The police found the suspense on the front (Photo: Capture of Tights / NBC Los Angeles)
The police found the suspense on the front (Photo: Capture of Tights / NBC Los Angeles)

Before this situation, various agencies involved in the case, between them: the Frontier Patrol of Aduanas of the United States, the FBI, the Sheriff’s Department of the County of Los Angeles and Los Angeles and Monterey Park Police Departments.

También, a man who finds himself about to enter the restaurant when the crime is committed, he digs in with his cell at the suspect. The testimonial mentions that in order to rescue the victims in the situation, those who are working inside the decision-making center will have the most prominence.

“Relaxed like six disparos y luego hubo un hueco […] after being shot another six to eight shots y fue entonces cuando los chefs comenzaron a caminar, comenzaron a correr ”, detached the man for the mediocre previously mentioned.

It is time to discuss the motives behind Yinx’s for joining Multiple Assignment.

The subject of the intentional detention (Photo: Captura de pantalla / NBC los Ángeles)
The subject of the intentional detention (Photo: Captura de pantalla / NBC los Ángeles)

Violence in California

Cabe record that apenas hace un par de días, el Departamento de la Fremont Police, and California, United States of America, a video and a sucuenta from YouTube, should not observe the moment an agent to store and feed a fugitive nevertheless that is the balance and intentional robbery of his motorcycle.

Burch wore his police uniform and was on board his “completely” identified motorcycle, signaling a text of the grab. Working in the traffic control, the agent listened to on his radio that a vehicle had been activated a cadre of automatic cadastral reconnaissance (License Plate Reader) en el área.

This car was searched and found with a asalto con armo de fuego en la ciudad de San Francisco. Además, ya había sido reported as robado. When the suspicion arises of the presence of the authorities, initiated a persecution. In its skin, the subject is impacted against various vehicles until it is abruptly detected.

The car bomber struck shortly after noon in front of a police recruiting center at Kisak, west of Baghdad.


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