At the airport El Dorado captured guatemalteco paid in addition by United States – Delitos – Justice

While staying at the airport El Dorado, Bogotá, the Fiscalía captured a citizen Guatemalto who had a United States extradition fee to respond to narcotics-related juicing.

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Taken by Harol Orlando Saldaña Natareno, who was at the disposal of the Despacho del Fiscal General de la Nación.

Saldaña es señalado como presunto responsible of the study of stupefaction patients in this North American country.

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The foreigner was captured on December 30, in addition to the order of capture with fines issued by the Fiscal.

In agreement with the information provided by the authorities, Saldaña Natareno is part of a drug trafficking network that is abstaining from cocaine hydrochloride in Mexican cartels.

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Al parecer, large part of Colombia’s cargo yards and was transferred to Guatemala and Mexico, since then coordinates its entry and distribution in the United States.

By these we are, solicited by Corte el Distrito Sur de California by delitos
related to delinquency and drug trafficking.

The Fiscalía General de la Nación announces the capture of the Embassy of the United States in order to formalize the extradition fee in legal places.

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