At least 2 gorillas and positive by covid-19 at the San Diego Zoo

(CNN) – The California Covid-19 increase is expected to emerge, despite the fact that the gorillas at the San Diego Zoo are infected with the virus, the Zoological Moon and Governor Gavin Newsom are infected.

Currently, three gorillas show gout symptoms from covid-19 and are suspected of being infected by an asymptomatic staff member, according to a press release.

This is the first known case of coronavirus in large species, including zoology, although previous investigations have shown that some primates in humans are vatbaar. The gorillas live in families, because it seems that all the members have expats, say the zoological staff.

MIRA: Observe how the followers of a zoological crane approach this gorilla baby

Taken care of the fairy tales, when the gorillas of the zoological commenced to kill. A test will take place inside the group showing the presence of covid-19 in the gorillas on the ponds, and the National Laboratory of Veterinary Services of the Department of Agriculture of EE.UU. confirm the positive results on the moon.

If the gorillas tend to have any serious reaction, then the zoologist, but they are being monitored.

“Apart from a pest of congestion and tos, gorillas are good,” said Lisa Peterson, executive director of the San Diego Zoo Safari Park, about gorillas with covid-19. “The trope will be held together in quarantine and will be starting and moving.” We have the hope of a complete recovery ».

The San Diego Zoo has been closed to the public since December.

California has converted to a covid-19 epicenter, with 4,971 patients at the UCI on Monday. Mientras tanto, en todo el país, the total number of stadiums with the virus surpassed the 22 million during the end of the week, according to Johns Hopkins University data, and more than 375,000 he died.
