AstraZeneca’s vacancy will not be injected at least 65 years old | Sociedad

A 67-year-old man received his AstraZeneca gun at a Hampshire bomber station (United Kingdom).
A 67-year-old man received his AstraZeneca car at a Hampshire bomber station (United Kingdom).SWIMMING POOL / Reuters

AstraZeneca’s vaccine will not be available for more than 65 years, as a minimum. The Public Health Committee of the National Health System, integrated with Gobierno’s technical and autonomous communities, has been debating these juveniles marking the limit of 65 or 55, if any agreement is reached, as the discussions will resume. viernes, según fuentes presentes la la reunion. In the clinical trials of the drug does not have a sufficiently large sample of mayors of 65 as to obtain a conclusive result on its effectiveness in this group, and the large majority of the participants ten months less than 55. At least Europe countries and he announced that only the applicant at the age of 65. Germany, for example, has decided to give in to this edit the limit, while the assessors of Italy have gone to 55. In a medium term it is Poland, that the country in 60. It must be select a priority group to administer this drug, of which 1.8 million will be administered in this month.

The Ministry of Health has informed the last of the youths that the AstraZeneca vacancies are at the end of the week and are intended for sanitary and social workers who are not included in groups 2 and 3, so that those who are not in the first line . Between them, we tend to look for other groups of more vulnerable young people (65 or 55, depending on the age at which they decide) and other essential workers. The next segment within phase 1 of the plan, of large dependents, is integrated well above the mayors of 65 years, as well as for those who can be destined. And the next, in the second phase (a time that resides residences, sanitary and large dependents, already 2.5 million people) are the mayors of 80 years.

In Spain there was not much scientific controversy about whether the AstraZeneca vaccine should be given to the mayors of 65 years. The medical societies that have no relationship with the health service (Epidemiology, Public Health, Preventive Medicine, Vacunology and Geriatrics) are in agreement that this pharmacy must reserve the minors of this oath, for whom it is necessary. efficacy.

The argument he made about each of them in EL PAÍS is similar and can be summed up in what José Gutiérrez, expert in vacancies at the Spanish Society of Geriatrics, explains: “At the moment there is more scientific evidence with them studies that are currently on the market for this vacancy, the indicated will continue to be used in this group [mayores de 65] the vacancies of Pfizer and Moderna. You can consider at this time that the evacuation is safe [en ellos] and that can produce secondary effects heffings. The radical problem in which it has not been found, in the major people, the vaccine is effective and generates an immune response sufficient to provoke a humorous and cellular immunity that avoids the consequences of infection with the virus ”.

The vacancies of AstraZeneca, Continuing Gutierrez, can be used in other public groups. “Everything has to go back to the plan that was proposed. Hecho, we can start thinking that in short we will have various vacancies against the coronavirus and each of them will be indicated in a different risk group. It is conceivable to think that it is possible that the order of evacuation is proposed in the evacuation strategy in our country is not as straightforward as the precinct and it is necessary to solve the evacuation of different groups of people ”, added.

There is no consensus on this, there is no discussion and there is a lack of issues. Treat yourself, as you would with any drug, to find a balance between risk and benefit. Contrary to the fact that in the rest of Europe, the United Kingdom has assumed that even though it has no evidence of its effectiveness in Mayors, as the clinical trials show in those well-respected individuals, the risk that no sea of ​​everything is compensated with the videos that can be salvaged and shown will ultimately result in similarities to other groups.

“A perfectly acceptable vision is that we know that the vaccine is safe in more advanced editions, that the evidence of the anti-corpus response strongly suggests that it be protected, by which reasonable reason to expect it to be,” said Martin McKee, professor of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. “If there is a country where there are many other vacancies, like Pfizer BioNTech, then it would be possible to justify the administration of this vacancy to the mayors and AstraZeneca to the more young people. For this reason, every regulator tends to take its own decision and it is difficult to criticize anyone who adopts any of these points of view. Personally, I believe that we have enough evidence to justify the mayors, but not to criticize others who decide not to do so, as long as there are adequate summit workers for those mayors ”, continues this expert, one of the most beloved public.

More than 1,300 mayoral deaths from 80 years to week

Kent Woods, former director of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), critic of the AFP’s claims that European countries (at least some of them have announced them) are rejecting AstraZeneca’s vacancy for mayors. Accuse the leaders of these political policies and “risk the life of their citizens”. Although its decisions or recommendations on the techniques of these Governments, Woods refers to the shoot and flow between the EU and its pharmaceuticals, which will reduce the doses of the compromises. This expert is most surprised that while the EMA has approved the medicine for any person mayor of 65 years, the countries la veten “just for those who need it”.

In Spain, every other month he killed more than 1,300 mayors from 80 years of age through coronavirus, according to data from the Salud Carlos III Institute, which states that he has been deciding whether he had been accounted for, with local more likely that this figure will increase. Although in February a living period was being produced in the contagios, the epidemic in Spain was taking place at “extreme” levels. Every week that passes without vacancies there are thousands of mayors. Over 80 years represent the 66.5% of all official bankruptcies in Spain in the second half of this year, only 6% of the population (2.8 million people).

But, does the decision support a retreat with respect to what is expected? In fact, it is not a retreat, but if the AstraZeneca vacancy is applied to the mayor, it can be extended with respect to the current calendar. The question is that, according to the Gobierno’s evacuation plan, it’s not his turn. As long as they complete the vacancy in residences, they are well advanced, of the 1.7 million sanitary facilities that are included in the first phase, and the 367,000 large dependents. It is hoped that I will be able to start the march with the mayors of 80, so that they can safely be used by AstraZeneca. Other countries, such as Germany, are included in the seniors’ priority group, and have been penalized more than a million times with Pfizer and Modern.

All of these consultations are agreed upon using the AstraZeneca in more than 65 years. But put a collet: “Always have enough vacancies for this eda”. Ante la situación de escasez, Elvis García, doctor en salud public at Harvard Universidad, es partidario de vacunar ya a los mayors con los medicamentos de AstraZeneca: “Si las vacunas son seguras, unuque la efficacia no se haya podido demostrar del todo en ese grupo poblacional, no vería mal vacunarles. It’s a lot of people and, because of the sight, and it’s the inconvenience associated with the distribution of vacancies that we see these weeks, we hope that some vacancies are jugársela ”.

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