AstraZeneca: Mexico receives the second prize with 1.2 million vacancies from EE UU

The first AstraZeneca embargo to ship EE UU in Mexico, the home.
The first AstraZeneca embargo to ship EE UU in Mexico, the home.ALFREDO ESTRELLA / AFP

Mexico has received more than 1.2 million AstraZeneca juvenile juveniles from the United States. If the second embargo is pacted between both countries to “share” vacancies and advance in the fight against the pandemic. As part of the agreement, the Governor of Andrés Manuel López Obrador will have to reimburse the biologists sent with other doses of AstraZeneca and other vacancies, although the authorities on both sides of the front have not revealed more details about the exchange.

“We would like to thank President Biden and his team for the support he has given to Mexico,” Marcelo Ebrard, Secretary of External Relations, wrote in his social speeches. The bilateral agreement represents a total of 2.7 million doses of AstraZeneca. The first embargo of 1.5 million llego the passing domino and fue the first lot of vacancies that salio de territory territory. United States, the country that has most vacancies administered worldwide, has opted for a nationalist policy on vacancies, although it has opened up the possibility of “sharing” vacancies with other countries in advance in the immunization of its inhabitants. EE UU also announced the launch of 1.5 million doses in Canada, with the intention of strengthening its diplomatic relations with its North American allies.

The AstraZeneca vaccine has not been approved for its use in the United States of America and the plant that the British-British laboratory in West Chester (Ohio) has spent dozens of millions of doses that it could not use. Mexico, on the other hand, has lost its antidote to the University of Oxford since the 5th of January and is the main target of its evacuation plan: with an increase of 80 million in doses in various contracts.

The Latin American country is responsible for the local use of AstraZeneca doses, a strategy that has tackled problems with bottlenecks in the summit’s chain. Mexico has not been able to apply for any vaccine manufactured in its territory, but hopes that the school will be disbanded during the third week of April, despite the fact that the pharmacies pass quality tests in order to be administered to the population. The United States lottery, according to Ebrard, will focus on completing the second dose for people receiving this vaccine in mid-February, 870,000. The rest, if you enter, will be used to advance in the vacation in Mexico City, the most populated and affected zone in the country during the pandemic.

Mexico reopened last week the umbrella of the 200,000 defunct by covid in official figures, although the Gobierno reconstruction that this number can increase the 320,000 deaths associated with the virus. The Wednesday, the country beat its record of single dose administration in a single day, to apply more than 467,000. Sanitary authorities have the right to accelerate the pace of evacuation and increase coverage. Mexico, one of Latin America’s economic potentials, is the most populous country in Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil. The objective is that the López Obrador Administration has been evacuating more than 15 million adults in their 60s before the end of April, while not completing the initial prognosis for logging in March.

