Assistive technology to detect malignant tumors associated with the brain

Cardiac tumors are defined as abnormal neoplasmic lesions within the coronary artery or in its valves. to confirm these anomalies exist various examinations such as magnetic resonance imaging, coronary angiography and biopsies between others.

Dr. Jose Lozada, hematologist and oncologist.
Dr. Jose Lozada, hematologist and oncologist.

Daniela Osorio Rivera
Agencia Latina de Noticias Medicina y Salud Pública

Agreed with the Impressive Review of Medicine and Health Public (MSP), Dr. Jose Lozada, Hematologist and Oncologist, Explaining the Difference Between Cardiac Tumors, The Complicated One Can Read About Treating Depending On Their Location And Exam Types existen to identify and power contractors.

To detect a tumor in the brain, it must follow a characterization plan, which will identify and classify these into two categories: benign or malignant and primary or metastatic.

The primary tumors are less frequent and their incidence is less than 0.1%. The metastasis to the coronary artery is much more frequent, at hecho, in some autopsies he reported lesions in more than 8% of patients he failed.

”Without embarrassment, the clinical manifestations of these tumors tend to be Independent depending on the type of tumor, which determines the signs and symptoms of the patient and the location of the tumor inside the coronary artery. The mechanisms of treatment for these anomalies are varied, such as the systemic typical embolization, obstruction of the circulation, affecting the valvular function, direct invasion of the myocardium and constitutional sinuses ”, says the Dr.

In terms of location

Aurícula izquierda light obstruction, mitral regeneration, embolism of tumor fragments or thrombi

Aurícula derecha syndromes of tricuspid stenosis and right cardiac failure.

Right ventricle obstruction of vacancy, giving typical cases of cardiac failure.

Ventricular ventricle can be intramural and cause arrhythmias or intracavitary and cause systemic embolism.

” It is clear that the majority of sinuses will be cardiorespiratorios. For this reason, the initial evaluation of any patient with speech disorders, should include studies to determine the presence of a tumor ”, added the doctor.

To confirm a diagnostic, the image studies are the most important for the cardiologist, here we will name some of them.

The ecocardiography: is simply non-invasive and accessible point us of valion information about the myocardium as well as the valvulas and recollections of the coronation point in the Mayoria of the cases as This technique detects the presence of the tumor and describes its mobility.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): The preferred modality to characterize cardiovascular modal tumors is to test the high-quality anatomical imaging specialist who can provide information about the microbial chemistry of the tumor.

Coronary tomography: This modality is an image that tends to be more clear than my physiological information about the tumor.

Coronary angiography: Study the vascularity of the tumor es escial to plan the excision and determine which artery has to alter.

Biopsy: In general, it is transcendental mode. Sondeverbod, todavía not is clear the benefits result the procedure antes of a surgery. If you consider yourself to be the only one who is necessary to take the therapeutic decision and the benefits his mayors have the risk

There is a constant detection and follow-up of patients that need this type of pathology is a fundamental part of logging adequate and satisfactory treatment, with the end of solving this condition and increasing the quality of life of each patient.