Assassinate Toma Tintes politicos, ¿culpan a hijo de Bucaram?

The terrible assassination of Efraín Ruales has given the indignation of miles of persons, and especially the family member and the la fanaticada who is the leader of the actress.

Now, new details about this success he salido a la luz, como a video in which the moment can be seen in an armed group facing the artist’s van, in addition to knowing that Ephrain has a denunciation of amenity and all of it to the corruption in the country.

WHAT HAPPENED? Efraín Ruales ya había recibido amenazas antes de ser acribillado a balazos

But what appears to be both political tints, then the National Police, in addition, made an alliance in the 4th district of Quito, where Jacobo Bucaram Katrol, the president of Abdalá Bucaram Ortiz, was recruited.

Asi denounces the proposal for mandate and is currently running for the National Assembly from its Twitter and Facebook accounts, launching the message, “Tiraron a mi hijo al piso, lo humillaron, solo par hacer a new show”, declares Bucaram, quien y responsabiliza al Gobierno de Lenín Moreno sobre lo sucedido y lo accusa de politique persecution contra su family

CONGRATULATIONS! Novia de Efraín Ruales destroys disembarked launch vehicle

Following this public statement from Bucaram, the police have not confirmed the death of the former head of state, including the Commander-in-Chief, Patricio Carrillo, admittance, without major mayors, that the institution has made various changes “to determine the motivation (of the crime) and identify those responsible. All the technical routes are being explored at the moment”, declared the official.

Police sources confirmmaron a Diario EL UNIVERSO que lo que se dio al interior de la denominada Cárcel 4, ubicada al norte de Quito, was not engaged in a related alliance operation, such as a “requisition operation” with the aim of decommissioning any type of objects that are prohibited from being housed inside a Social Rehabilitation Center.

IMAGENES OF TRAGEDIA! Efraín Ruales: Verkoop a la luz video del momento justes assesinato

Hasta el momento, if any, the reasons why the armed group assassinates Ruales in a free song, according to the Ephraine Corps and the retired Guayaquil Criminal Laboratory, are due to be followed by the exigian justice judge.


Hermano de Efraín Ruales does not resist and is invited to read the body
