Asia is the court of an enigmatic species of murciélago in Costa Rica

(CNN Español) – In a conquest plan, you can hang out during hours and deliver some barbells to the skin, creating a masking effect on your car, to attract the hembras. I’m like the macho del Centurio senex, a little known concoction of murciélago, initiates the seduction has to lie to the apartment. In a ritual that includes sounds to praise the attention and start the romance.

In his appearance he distinguished both the arrugs and his cara, they were very big and green. In addition, the narcissus distinguishes itself from other species and has some lines between the dedos.

First of all, a study led by biologists from the University of Costa Rica (UCR), describes the court of the macho of this tropical species, whose body is more than the mana of an adult. According to Bernal Rodríguez, one of the investigators from the UCR, the ceremony is completely sound special –– ultrasonic–– and a more rapid movement of his alas. Everything with an objective: seducir.

At the moment the hembra cools with the macho and has an appearance. The macho of the Centurio Senex mortuary species provides the “mask” in conquest plan.
Cincinnati Officier de Prensa UCR

¡’N Conseguir pareja!

Rodríguez explains a CNN series Centurio senex apply a system called denominational lek. The water, signal, many times it has been able to document in murciélagos that live in its natural medium. Because it represents an important contribution to the study of the reproductive biology of these mammals. The scientific aggregate that the hybrids differ from the males, which is known as sexual dimorphism. A very notorious aspect of his duties in the macho barbilla, which is subdued and barking when standing in the courtroom ritual.

murciélago costa rica

The murciélagos machos of the Centurio senex species are currently on display with visual and acoustic exhibitions to follow suit. (Cortesía Marco Tschapka).

Following a communication from the Press Officer of the UCR, the term lek se beskrywing primer en aves. Although it is also present in insects and species. Refers to a specific location, called arena, where the territorial machos are grouped together to conduct visual and acoustic exhibitions to conceive a pair. Those who are more likely to be offered ten have the highest probability of being elected by a member. In this apartheid system, the machos only support the genetic material. No occupation of the descendants.

The studio is located in the lush forest of San Ramón de Alajuela, aledaña province in San José, the capital of Costa Rica. In the study also participated scientists of the University of Mexico Autonomous University (UNAM); of the University of Ulm, of Germany; of the Smithsonian Institution of Tropical Investigations, held in Panama, and of the José Miguel Alfaro Investigation Station, in Costa Rica.

The hallazgos will be published, in a scientific article, in the specialized magazine PLOS ONE, the 11th of November passed. According to the report, Rodríguez states that “the study provides the first information on ecolocation — a system for mediating the soundness of the sounds emitted by the mortuary — and the cortex of a rare and very interesting fructose mortar.

Sonidos emits the murciélago macho of the species Centurio Senix in the conquest. To make it possible to hear “translate” an audio program. Cincinnati Officine of UCR Press

Description of the sexual encounter of the murciélago

Of 181 practices between males and hembras that are observed for the study, only in one occasion the hembra visiting the collage together with the macho and copularon.

This moment is described by Rodríguez and the rest of the scientific team in the article for PLOS ONE of the following form: «… We will observe a performance of a machine that is finalized with the habitual sequence of pitits and the health of the visitor. Apenas cinco segundos después, el murciélago posado fue vissado nevamente y esta vez elvisante aterrizó de inmediato, muy cerca y casi sober la espalda del macho posado. The visitor was an embroidery, clearly resealable for the face mask failure. The machine immediately removes the mask and quickly puts it in a position similar to the hammer. Five seconds later, position change, movement around the hammer and pressure on the grid at the center of the gap, in a typical position of the tire assembly. The macho, which vibrates visibly, supports the hammer, using pulses and pulses, and the wall also kills the skin of the lower part of the cleft palate, presumably while penetrating ».

Referring to the sonidos, Rodríguez details that they are reconciling at least four large groups in the different behaviors shown and that the considered part of the announcement that the machos have to attract the hembras.

According to the investigation, it was found that there were 56 machos parked on time in the frames of the years, at a high speed of 2.35 meters. An hope that prolongs with the expectation of attracting the hembras and lucidse in the cortex.

murciélago costa rica

The hembras of the species Centurio senex are different from the machos, do not have the duties in the barbilla that the machos use in the court. (Cortesía Marco Tschapka).
