asi trasncurre el quinto día en el Senado

President Donald Trump is ready to speak at a meeting of the White House on January 6. Credit: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI / AFP via Getty Images

The lesser-known aspect of the second political juiciness against President Trump is that the juvenile in the Senate lives up to what has been said about the cargo.

There is a precedent for functionaries who practice political justice in the history of the United States as in England, where the Founders import the idea of ​​political justice.

Lee here (in English) says that technically it is called a “late political juice” by academics Frank Bowman and Brian Kalt.

In addition to the need to be president, the Mayor of the Congress will have to pay the penalty for the second time.

Prohibirlo in another vrag will require a second vote of the senators, although probably will not require an agreement of threes. He will also pay his US $ 200,000 pension for another year.

This is what the Constitution says about Trump’s money if he is declared guilty:

The juice in cases of political juiciness is not extended beyond the cargo dispensation and the decalification to occupy and disperse any cargo of honor, trust or benefit in the United States: but the Conditional Party will be, no matter, responsible and subject a Accusation, Juicio, Sentencia y Castigo, según Ley. (Article 2, Section 3)

Manager: the code requires that the words of the senators present ofrezcan votes of “culpability”. Trump’s poll is probably probable, and it is expected that at least 17 Republicans will vote together with the Democrats to find fault.
