The lawyer and jueza Ashley Tabaddor, president of the National Association of Immigration Juveniles (NAIJ), asumirá as director of the immigration service, reports this morning.
The correspondent in Washington of the diary San Francisco Chronicle, Tal Kopan, dijo in his account of the social red Twitter that Tabaddor, who is the president of the National Association of Immigration Jukees, sent an e-mail to his colleagues announcing that he should work as a judge to sum up a leader DHS is the new Biden administration ”.
In addition, CNN’s newsletter reports that Tabaddor assumes the direction of the Office of Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the federal agency for opera under the mandate of the Department of National Security (DHS) and that regulates immigration .
Among other services, the USCIS administers visas, residences, citizenships and asylum, it is ultimately one of the most blatant policies pursued by Donald Trump’s governor in the “zero tolerance” strategy, a strategy that will provoke more deaths in the migration process.
“I think the Tabaddor Juice is the ideal person to lead the USCIS,” said Alex Gálvez, an immigration lawyer who owns Los Angeles (California). “It’s the test of the last four years. “She’s going to sue the Trump administration for respecting the discretion of the anti-immigrant juices and criticisms that affect, for example, asylum.”
“It has to accept rules that delay the debt process and pay for the immigration law,” it said.
Accelerated steps
The Tabaddor Legacy of the USCIS Board of Directors is the name of Alejandro Mayorkas’s as DHS Secretary, who has held many positions of dependence on Barack Obama’s governor.
For the last four years, USCIS has been an agency that provides services to immigrants to form part of Trump’s government deportation force.
In July 2019, the USCIS confirmed to Univision that it would establish a “collaboration” with the DHS “to mitigate the frontier crisis” United States.
“There is a national emergence on our front on”, said Jessica Collins, spokeswoman for USCIS in a media release. “It is debated that the Congress will not proportionate the specific needs necessary to close the legal lagoons in our immigration laws, the USCIS will continue to associate with the DHS and our German agencies to mitigate the crisis,” he said.
A year and a half after the commencement scenario began to change. “I am optimistic about the news”, Dommarsteen Barbara Hines, Professor of the Faculty of Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Texas, at Austin. “It’s a good signal that this governor will change the culture and politics of the last four years of Trump’s presidency.
The opinion of Tabaddor
In February of this year, during a celebratory hearing in the Judicial Committee of the Chamber of Deputies to discuss the policy of tolerance and the impact that is on the Court of Immigration, Judge Tabaddor advised one of the most difficult mayors registered At the moment, the lack of access for immigrants to legal representation is a serious problem that dramatically reduces the probability of seeking asylum.
“The Department of Justice has transformed the immigration tribunals an assembly line type for the application of the ley“, said Tabaddor to the members of the committee and agreed with the governor to” prioritize “the” speed over sustainability “in the processes, all with the objective of alcanzar la cuota “Poco realista” was filed on October 1, 2018 by General Tax Officer Jeff Sessions.
“The juices are the price. The level of hostility we have, the insulting and offensive form by which we are treated, the micro management of our diary expeditions frankly has no precedents”, added.
Golpe al debido process
In August 2018, Tabaddor sent a letter to the Chief Justice of the Office for the Review of Immigration Cases (EOIR) by means of a map, in which he explained the preoccupation with the juveniles of the governing policy of the governing body a few months ago Trump at the White House.
The statement of intent in the case that the directors given by the Department of Justice “affect the conditions of employment” and “violates the authority of an immigration judge to take decisions based on independent and discretionary juices” with the stipulated in the law.
También also said that the restricted taxes would reduce the juices’ capacity to “provide a continuation for a good cause”, in addition to constituting a “violation of the authority of the immigration authorities to provide an installment in the area.
It is hoped that Tabaddor will load the cargo in the next days.