Ashley Judd admitted to hospital after a “disastrous” accident in the Congo

Ashley Judd has been admitted to hospital following a “catastrophic” accident in the Congo.

The actor tells of her recent fall during an Instagram Live interview with The New York Times‘Nicholas Kristof in which she spoke from a South African hospital’s trauma unit.

Judd, who was in the Congo to track down the endangered Bonobos, explained that she had sustained ‘massive catastrophic injuries’ after tripping over a fallen tree. “What was next was an incredibly disturbing 55 hours,” she said.

In remembrance of her evacuation from the rainforest, Judd said she lay on the ground for five hours with her ‘severely deformed leg’. ‘[I was] bite my stick, cry like a wild animal, ‘she recalls.

The actor was then carried back to her camp by her ‘Congolese brothers’ before finally taking it by motorcycle from the remote location:’ I had to physically hold the upper part of my broken tibia, and we did it for six hours. ”

Judd further said that she was on the verge of my edge throughout the ordeal, but acknowledged that she had the privilege of being able to take it to a fully equipped hospital for treatment.

“The difference between a Congolese and me is a disaster insurance that was allowed at an operating table in South Africa 55 hours after my accident,” she said, drawing attention to the lack of resources in the Congo villages and “a simple pill for the pain ”.

Ashley Judd sued Harvey Weinstein in 2018 for damaging her career because she rejected sexual advances. The disgraced film magnate was convicted of first- and third-degree rape last March and is currently serving a 23-year prison sentence.
