Asaltan with pistol in mano to reporter while taking action | VIDEO


Insecurity in Ecuador as in other countries of the world have idiom aumento and the periodicals mean realizing his work there are no exents of sufrirla, then a reporter mientras hacía un enlace afuera del Monumental Stadium off Guayaquil, sufrió un hit with a handgun.

Diego Ordinola de la cadena Direct de Ecuador finds a furniture store carrying out its work accompanied by a camera and by far read the link for those who despise their phones and after escaping.

The victim was sentenced in the social networks de Ordinola, who submits the video of asalto and where he escapes when he escapes ladrón in a motorcycle.

The immediate colleagues of Ordinola show your solidarity with the affected, while waiting for the Ecuador Police una burgemeester vigilancia en los alrededores del lugar.
