Asaltan en Cuba al gimnasta Manrique Larduet para robarle la moto y el telephone

5 | 21/03/2021 – 19:15 (GMT-4)

The young Cuban gymnast Manrique Larduet was the victim of an assault in Cuba where one of his robbers robbed his motorcycle and telephone.

“By favor tengan mucho cuidado en la calle en estos tiempos. Ayer me asaltaron en la calle Perla, frente de mi escuela. Gracias a Dios estoy bien. Se llevaron mi moto y mis teléfonos”, dijo el gimnasta en sus redes sociales.

“Darle las gracias autoridades por estar al tanto de la denuncia, solo esperar que logren atrapar a los asaltantes con de favor de Dios. A los que se han preocupados igle darci las gracias, estaré uncommunicado por el momento. Cuídense. Saludos”, comunicó el joven.

The last times a Cuban has reported on social media has been the victim of motorcycle robbery in the Isla.

Last week a Cuban family announced that the lads had robbed their electric motor with a pistol point in La Habana, and offered a compensation of 200 USD to anyone who could find the robbed motor, the color is clear and strong. one few days.

Other Cuban three weeks ago in La Habana hace one by one ladrones con the end of arrebatarle his moto.

The most important thing is to perforate the stomach, the brazier and a part of the pier, and its known bones help to locate those responsible for the success.

Reviews of this year’s Interior Ministry agents in La Habana capture the authors of a robo with a fire in a living room, from which the electric motors are stored while they sleep.

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