As the Covid-19 vaccine stock expands, so do eligible groups.

The 62-year-old South Carolina resident told CNN on Thursday that his friends and he – all over the age of 55 but under the age of 65 – kept a close eye on the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Protection’s website to see when the state would open Covid-19 vaccinations for their age group.

On Tuesday, their wait came to an end.

After months of vaccination of prominent health workers and people aged 65 and over, the state plans to start vaccinating with adults aged 55 and older from March 8. Mandel learns this from the text messages he received.

“Early on, especially in South Carolina, there were a lot of day laborers, but I was confident that I would have a chance by March,” Mandel said. “I bet someone $ 100 that I would do it and it looks like it’s going to happen.”

South Carolina is not the only state currently vaccinating people younger than the average retirement age in the United States.

Just days after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine for emergency use – indicating the country’s third vaccine against Covid-19 – more states began to vaccinate adults in their 50s brei.

That would mean more people scrambling for vaccinations and perhaps confusion over which states are shifting their lead, but eventually there will be more people protected from a virus that has become more than 28 million sick and up to more than 520,000 deaths in the United States States led. State.

More countries to vaccinate those in their fifties

The state of Arizona on Monday extended its vaccination criteria to adults 55 and older. Ninety percent of the deaths due to Covid-19 in Arizona were in this age group, according to a statement from Arizona Government Office Doug Ducey on Monday.
Vaccination against Covid-19 is key for people with underlying health conditions, but access varies from state to country

“The continuation of the vaccination of older Arizonans against Covid-19 will help protect those at risk and cover a majority of Arizonans with chronic medical conditions,” Ducey said in part in the statement.

Ducey’s office noted that local health departments in the state can switch to vaccinating younger adults when they reach 55% of current eligible ages after being vaccinated, or if they feel there is no longer a demand to the vaccine under current ages.

On Wednesday, Alaska expanded its vaccination criteria to include adults 55 years and older, while the states of West Virginia and Indiana expanded the suitability for adults 50 and older.
“With the new J&J approval, of course, we can do more,” Indiana director Indian Holo Eric said during an information session on Wednesday, referring to the newly authorized Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine. Holcomb said the state will continue to waive admission to vaccines based on age, eventually up to 40 years.
'The impossible is not impossible': the pressure to make Covid-19 vaccines at record speeds
Utah and South Carolina plans to vaccinate adults 55 and older from March 8.
“In February, South Carolina made tremendous progress in expanding access to vaccinations as the supply of vaccine increased. Our hospitals, pharmacies and healthcare providers have become faster and more efficient at getting shots in the arms,” ​​the government said. of South Carolina, Henry McMaster, said. in a news release on the state’s new vaccination plans Tuesday.

“As a result of these successes, we are now able to consider the majority of South Carolina to receive the vaccine,” he said.

Tom Hudachko, a spokesman for Utah’s Department of Health, told CNN on Thursday that Utah’s move to consider vaccination for younger adults stems from several factors, including obtaining additional doses and a decrease in the question in the groups currently eligible.

This is when the US will see many more vaccine doses
In Michigan, the state plans to vaccinate all adults 50 and older as of March 22, and the state noted in an announcement Wednesday that to date, more than 40% of Michiganers 65 and older have been vaccinated.

These expansions are a “positive sign” for public health, said Lori Tremmel Freeman, chief executive officer of the National Association of County and City Health Officials.

“If you talk about some states that want to vaccinate people over 50, it’s a positive sign that they’ve saturated and expanded the previous priority group – so this is all good news and it will happen very quickly and naturally with the expansion of the supply chain. also, ”Freeman told CNN on Thursday.

Health officials expect more doses

The U.S. vaccine supply is expected to continue to increase in the coming weeks, she added.

“In this first week, we had 2.8 million doses of Johnson & Johnson on the doorstep for a total of 18 million doses including all three vaccines,” Freeman said, referring to the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines. as well as Johnson & Johnson.

“We will see by the end of March and beginning of April that Johnson & Johnson is part of the bigger picture of the total doses,” Freeman said. “Then by April we will be doing up to 22 to 24 million doses through these distribution channels to state and local governments.”

In total, approximately 82.6 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine were administered in the United States, according to data published Thursday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The number is about 75% of the more than 109 million doses.

This is about 2 million more doses administered since Wednesday, for an average of seven days of more than 2 million doses per day.

President Joe Biden said Tuesday that by the end of May, the United States will have enough Covid-19 doses for every adult American, which will dramatically accelerate its timeline, but acknowledges that the country must remain vigilant against the virus.

“I think we will not only be on the path of recovery from a physical and health perspective, but also from an economic perspective, and that I can not be happier from an economic perspective,” Mandel said. anxiously awaiting his vaccine in South Carolina.

Some countries extend not only the admission to Covid-19 vaccines to younger ages, but also other specific groups of people. For example, as of Thursday afternoon, there are 38 states where teachers are eligible for Covid-19 vaccines.

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As Biden announced that it was its priority for all teachers to receive at least their first dose of Covid-19 vaccine by the end of this month, several states either immediately opened it to teachers or announced the dates on which they would begin, including: several that teachers began to allow this week.

Among the remaining 12 states where teachers are not currently eligible, Georgia, South Carolina and Vermont plan to begin vaccinating teachers on March 8. Missouri and New Jersey plan to begin vaccinating teachers on March 15.

As more states expand their vaccination criteria against Covid-19, residents can expect to try harder to ensure that vaccinations are administered fairly and equitably, Freeman said.

Lack of equity within priority groups leaves Covid-19's most vulnerable without vaccine, analysis shows
California Govin Newsom’s office on Thursday announced that the state has set aside 40% of its vaccination doses for the hardest hit communities.

And in Tennessee, Freeman said, they use criteria for social vulnerability.

“In this particular case, the distribution of vaccines is targeted at communities that have socio-economic conditions that make health more difficult in general. So this is one example, and there are others like it,” she said. “We need to turn away from some of these priority groups, or within these priority groups, if we really want to mean that this vaccine distribution should be fair … and we need to do it quickly.”

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As state and local governments receive more doses of the vaccine, health officials and activists are sounding the alarm about the need for better planning and outreach in vulnerable communities.

Monica Spoch-Spana, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Safety, said in February that while jurisdictions are waiting for more doses to arrive, they can plan to achieve the best in underserved areas. Spoch-Spana and other Johns Hopkins researchers published a February report showing how local and state governments can work with color communities to ensure greater equity in the distribution of vaccines – including community involvement in the distribution process and

“There may be a shortage of products,” she said, “but there is no shortage of opportunities to make contact with organizations that have roots in these communities to jointly develop a delivery system for these parts of society is not going to work. “

The hunt for appointments

Freeman said her organization had previously heard of some people crossing provincial or state borders to gain access to vaccines in communities where they are eligible to be vaccinated – but not where they live. In January, one Covid-19 vaccination room in a predominantly Latino neighborhood in New York City was hit by the pandemic, an overwhelming number of white people from outside the community turned up to get the vaccine, city leaders said.

A vaccination room intended to serve a hard-hit Latino neighborhood in New York has rather served more whites from other areas

“There was no real guidance or restrictions early in the spread,” Freeman said of people traveling for vaccines.

“We saw quite quickly a knock on registration systems that in some cases required proof of residence, or you had to provide your zip code,” she said. “But some of these measures apply simply because we have supply constraints – they will disappear if we have enough supplies to vaccinate every adult.”

Megan Wade-Taxter, a state spokeswoman, told CNN in an email Thursday. Proof of Indiana residence is required to obtain a vaccine in Indiana.

Meanwhile, there are no residency requirements for South Carolina, the state emergency services said in an email Thursday.

South Carolina-based Mandel hopes to find an appointment before March 8 – when the state plans to vaccinate adults 55 and older – if he’s lucky. Either way, he is confident he will be vaccinated before the end of the month and possibly collect $ 100 from his winning game.

“The worst case scenario, Sunday afternoon I’m going to see if they open at CVS and Walgreens the next day,” he said. “I will have my phone in my hand and my computer on my lap, ready to go.”

CNN’s Rebekah Riess, Nicquel Terry Ellis, Elizabeth Stuart, Taylor Romine and Priya Krishnakumar contributed to this report.
