Arturo Peniche wants to reconcile with his wife Gaby Ortiz

Arturo Peniche

The actor considers that his separation was the result of a personal crisis for the time being.

Arturo Peniche states that he regressed with his wife Gaby Ortiz, and that his separation was the result of a personal crisis due to a stressful situation he was experiencing.

The actor, who revealed a month ago that after 38 years of matrimony was separated from his wife, he was interviewed in the program ‘Hoy’: “It is normal to descend a rate, we have 39 years of casados ​​7 months apart. Ayer comi con ella, me invitat a comer a su casa y estamos ajustande lo que se desajustó en algun moment. It was the determination that passed, due to a personal, mental, venomous crisis, a pinch of pandemic ”.

Peniche has the most to accept that there is an impulsive reaction, and is about to be reconciled to his wife: “My compromise with Gaby is the day of today. Me llevo bien con ella, estoy tratando de volverla a cortejar, de ligármela otra vez. It’s costly work, and it’s going to be fun, I like it ”.
