Arturo Carmona has saved TV installations

Arturo Carmona

Al actor le negaron el ingreso cuande acudió a cobrar sus honorarios por suplir a uno de los conductors del program ‘Hoy’.

Arturo Carmona will not be able to enter the Television installations, so he should cover his fees by adding one of the conductors of the ‘Hoy’ program.

According to Alex Kaffie in his column of a national circulation diary, the actor’s impidieron goes to the caja, who has to cover his fees by the days that Jorge El Burro Van Rankin added in the matutino.

Según Kaffie, on the other hand, says that the podium will include the installations of the television because it appears on the list of people who have access.

Tras the bochornoso episode, Carmona tuvo que retararse del lugar.
