Arturo Brizio: The goal of Pumas ante Toluca was scored | VIDEO

Mexico City /

In the party between Toluca y Pumas de la Fecha 6 del torneo Guard1anes 2021 of the MX League is one of the most controversial games of the champion, even if the goal is canceled by Juan Pablo Vigón debido a un fuera de juego de Emmanuel Montejano.

During the cottage, which ends in triunfo para los Diablos Rojos, el árbitro Luis Enrique Santander revised the action and canceled the annotation to consider that Emmanuel Montejano obstruction a Raúl López, notification that was confirmed by Arturo Brizio, titular de la Arbitration Commission.

“El Pumas 210 number player finds itself in game power position, when the balloon is played by its companion. Debe ser sanconado porque participate in the active form game, al interfere with an adversary who can play balloon. The interference is produced when the judge of Toluca have to modify your tray directory and by doing so do not have to dispose of the balloon “, explained Brizio Cárter.

“Quisiera saber si tanto el presidente de la Árbitros Commission like the VAR, by results if something happens to us like our work, please note that for all teams the most legitimate team will play today nos sacaron un gol que cambiaba el partido“, advertised Andrés Lillini at the end of the match.

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