Arrojó a su novia Cristian Castro a los brazos de Luis Miguel

Cristian Castro, the cheerleader of the presenter and actress Verónica Castro, revealed a confession that gave all his words about what he was doing to one of his “most close” friends, according to Luis Miguel. “Todavía se hizo el ofendido y le dejó de hablar”, fueron las palabras que beskrywer el fin de su relation with el “Sol”.

El apodado “Gallito feliz” Cristian Castro, was one of those who at some point took the presidency of his love affair with Luis Miguel, who would consider the most important figures in the music industry sustaining a love affair that ended in just one record.

Fue Cristian Castro who recently remembers these moments and the reasons for what he and he called “Sol de México“terminaron by alejarse, esto, revela luego de que el propio”Luismi“Le bajara a la novia!

Según Cristian is accepting and includes the arrow to the braces of the interpreter of “La Incondicional“, signal.

You set saliendo con una chica. I decoction a little pork because wine to meters. That’s why it’s our distance. A mí no de él, yo lo dejé metere, porque lo quiero mucho. Empezó a enamorar, le empezó a hablar y ella me lo decía, platicó.

One of the reasons why he allowed it, signaled the Mexican singer, Cristian Castro, because he had a lot of interest in “El Sol” and also not his personal staff, “He saw what the day of hablar”, comment.

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Next day interpreting the interpretation of “No podrás”, do not want to lose a love for a woman.

In this entons, Cristian Castro and Daisy Fuentes, a series of novels that have been revealed, this is when “Micky” met in the relationship and concocted the coronation of his entourage pair.

I’m feeling like he’s a German, Luis Miguel, and he really likes it. That’s what Daisy said.

The best I can do with this chic, because actually I’m hermano ‘. Geen somos amigos porque él no ha querido. Fuimos amigos en un momento muy lindo, donde ibamos a andar en jetsky y todo esto. The world is what I deceived a little about his personality, external.

Although this does not allow you to decipher the activities and personalities of the song of original origins, it will be sent in some of these retouched statements by the media “Suelta la Sopa”.

During the charla, Cristian Castro abridged his rage and exterminated his anecdotes of the passage by which he does not keep any resentment, and including manifesto, the desire to restore the relationship between both, and in some way, “Luismi“fue quien decidió alejarse.

He who tends to be molested is you, but he is offended. Soliere quiero tener mi amistad de vuelta con él. “It’s a coincidence that we’re not in trouble”, he concluded.

As well as we know, Luis Miguel has distinguished himself by being a very solitary artist and in some cases he has seen a variety of people.

Lamentably, although it has been noted in distinctive occasions and versions through the years, Gallego Basteri (Luis Miguel) loves his solitude and is the only one who has felt the effects of all these years.

It is true that the figures were consecrated as the figures of the most recognizable spectacle in the ambience of the music and were “icons of romanticism”.

There was no doubt at the time that he was watching “La Vero”, the first actress and conductor, decided to open the pandora’s box and reveal more secrets that would cause a big surprise.

También puedes leer Revela Cristian Castro que tuvo un romance con Thalía

Out of the confessions that the astronaut’s musician shares his romance with Thalia, there are antecedents he initiates with his late Tommy Mottola, including the details he shared on the Argentine program “PH: Podemos Hablar”.
