Arribaron 600 agents of the National Guard and the Ejército tras massacre of 11 Albanians in Jalisco

The patrolled uniforms in the conurbation of Guadalajara

Alrededor de 600 agents of the Guardian Nacional y del Ejército mexicano arribaron a Jalisco through the massacre of 11 construction workers in Tonalá, y luego de que el gobernador de la entidad, Enrique Alfaro, complain to the federal government about the insecurity of the organized crime and the failure of probation officers.

The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, reunited on March 1st. has agreed to strengthen security in the state, since a month ago. Dijo que había instruido el more effective mail, pues ahí domina un delincuencial, in reference to Card Jalisco New Generation (CJNG).

AMLO assurur que dio la orden desde februero y volvió a plantearlo el domingo pasado, a slide after which fueran assigned to balazos 11 Albanians invited to a banquet in the Jauja colony. But we did not see in the last hours that the uniforms in Jalisco will be read, it will be confirmed by security forces to Infobae México.

Hablé with the governor of Jalisco hace as a knife and agree that we will reform, although it is not present, it is necessary to strengthen the presence of the National Guard, of the Army and of the Marina, of the Armored Forces (…). It’s instruments, it’s ordered from a month, it’s moving to more elements. Ayer volví a plantearlo, y hoy en la mañana también follow the instruction in the Security Cabinet ”, the president indicated the passing moon.

AMLO reconnaissance that instructed the effective work in Jalisco pero so it was not until this March 5, a month later (PHOTO: GALO CAÑAS / CUARTOSCURO)
AMLO reconnaissance that instructed the effective work in Jalisco pero so it was not until this March 5, a month later (PHOTO: GALO CAÑAS / CUARTOSCURO)

During the day of the domingo, Enrique Alfaro blames López Obrador for not insuring can ensure that the fight against delinquency is organized by the federal governing body.

‘Es time that the Federal Government and its security institutions also have the difficult situation that we live in Jalisco as in the rest of the country ”, reproached.

Agreed with reports, the agents are guarded in the installations of the XV Military Zone and through the manners of these fires are incorporated into areas of vigilance and public safety. The uniforms will be located in the conurbation of Guadalajara.

From then on I translated it truck type parade pick up, trucks, artillery lobsters, as well as agents saliendo de la Commandancia de La Mojonera. Consulted with respect, the Secretariat of Security reserves the right to make detailed, for its part, the National Guard no response to this opportunity.

Alfaro accuses the media of covering the jealousy of Jalisco

On the 5th of March, Enrique Alfaro Reconciles The Entry Of The Tropics Through A Social Emitting Video, but I agree that the criminal groups that want to destabilize the state and the positive results of their government have hecho that the cards pretend to generate money and there is the perception that the order will prevail.

“We have many difficult days because criminal groups intend to destabilize the state, generate an atmosphere of terror with violent violence y complaints as we live we have days in the municipality of Tonalá“, Dijo el gobernador.

“In the last days he read more elements and he could review, together with the Mexican Ejército, the Guardia Nacional, the Marina Armada de México, the strategy with which we can find these complicated days which we hold by delante. It is obvious that in the midst of an electoral process that initiates, the interests of women who destabilize Jalisco are enormous. The dispute between criminal groups is by far a factor that we preoccupy and that we are attending ”.

Alfaro compares insurances figures from February 2021 to February 2018. From 2020 to 2019, in order to explain the evolution of the offenses in its mandate, it is necessary to note the changes with those registered in the last year of Aristotle Sandoval, executed in a restaurant on December 18.

CJNG’s release of 11 albums (Video: Twitter / @InfSinCensuraMx)

“If we compare the levels of insecurity that we will have in February 2018, in the last year of the previous governor, we will go up to 9 mil 489, that is to say, there is a reduction of one third of the deletions that will take place in February 2018 ″ , explicit.

También also blamed the media for reporting the crimes in Jalisco, while adelanto, had rumors and false statements in social speeches about the situation of violence in Jalisco.

“As always successful, hooi algunos medios —y digo algunos, nunca generalizo—, algunos medios que siguen haciendo apología de la violencia, que the one who makes the work of the delinquents, are media that think that it is most important to sell periodicals that generate objective information conditions for the population, meanwhile, distorting data and systematically attacking the governing body as the only force to carry out the governing body and not the criminals”, Se quejó Alfaro.

The Mencho logarian to the CJNG as one of the most powerful maps of Mexico in the last decade (Fotoarte: Steve Allen)
The Mencho logarian to the CJNG as one of the most powerful maps of Mexico in the last decade (Fotoarte: Steve Allen)

Jalisco es CJNG Bastion that leads Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, the Mencho, one of the busiest cities in the United States and Mexico. The group that captures the Mencho is considered as the most debilitating force in the world by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), just behind the Russian mafia and the Chinese triads. It deals with the main distributors of synthetic drugs in the EU.

A communiqué from the CJNG circulated in social speeches, where black cloak and armored garments with fusiles were removed from the Tonalá massacre and signaled to a subject known as El loco, El Primo o El Marino.


CJNG press release circulated in speeches to alleviate massacre against 11 Albanians in Tonalá
Two more homicides from 13 deaths in Jalisco: Enrique Alfaro falls and falls AMLO
Massacre in Jalisco: Armed attack in a convoy in Tonalá day at least 11 dead
