Arrested to arrange to eat in Ocasio-Cortez

  • Cae otro seguidor de Trump: capturan a hombre de Texas por ataque al Capitolio.
  • Además de haber was present at the attack on the Capitol, the detainee published in speeches a death sentence against the Democratic representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
  • “Tienen razon, la proxima vez llevamos armas”, fue otro de los mensagjes que published the last detention.

Authorities are capturing a Texas man for attacking the Capitol and publishing on social media a deadly threat against Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

A Texas man has been arrested on suspicion of participating in the invasion of the Federal Capitol this month and is publishing violations, including an incitement to assassinate Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), of New York, informs agency of noticias AP.

Garret Miller, 34 years old and Richardson’s rookie, a Dallas suburb, detained four men who were killed in a five-car federal hearing.

The authorities claim that Miller published photographs and videos in his social speeches during the Capitol’s speech when partisans of President Donald Trump’s strike in the recent 6th of January.

Miller also incited violence in messages posted on social media, such as simply saying “Assess to the AOC”, a reference to the liberal Ocasio-Cortez, according to the authorities.

According to an FBI agent in a legal statement, Miller said in another statement: “I have reason to say that we are close.”

Miller also contacted an agent of the Federal Capitol in a discussion on Instagram during the writing that he plans to “clean up his well with a good deal”.

Speaking of posting a photo on Facebook of what appeared inside the Capitol, Miller responded to a comment about the dizzying image: “I just wanted to kill a little, yeah,” agreeing with an FBI legal statement.

Ocasio-Cortez posted on Twitter the documents about the charges against Miller and then said: “For one thing we do not know, but for the other reason that the reason we are dealing with this is because we think that Tendrian is gone ”.

Miller’s lawyer, Clint Broden, signaled in an e-mail to The Associated Press that his client was receiving the actions he had staged “with an equitable intention to show his support for President Donald Trump”.

“His comments in social speeches reflect a political exaggeration that is meditated on in times of great division and with security will not be repeated in the future,” Broden said. “It’s hoping to get everything you want.”

This will be presented to the public at the end of the month, and Miller will be detained and sentenced to life imprisonment.

“We trust that giving the support of his family and lamenting his actions will be released in order for him to be able to superimpose on the charges presented against him”, Verklaar Broden.

Arrested in Latin on appeal to the Capitol while directing Biden’s judgment

A Florida resident identified as Samuel Camargo was arrested and charged with felony criminal mischief for attacking the Capitol at the behest of President Donald Trump, following the 6th anniversary of the EFE and the New York Post.

Camargo is accused of violently entering and conducting disorderly conduct in the Capitol, between other cargoes, following the denunciation of the two EFE accesses.

The fiscal taxpayers are juveniles in a court in the District of Columbia, where the case is being held, considered “a fugitive.”

Significantly, I would like to point out that the Florida-based institute is pushing for the capitulation of the Capitol, “in the process of getting involved”, a new move to Washington to be on the day of the inauguration of Democrat Joe Biden as the new president of the EU. ., which celebrates the fairies.

“The Court must concede the motion of the governor to detain the accused Samuel Camargo in the hope that he will demonstrate that there is a risk of fugitives,” he said.

With Camargo there are at least four arrests in Florida on the way to the Capitol, which has five dead.

Following the denunciation, a camaraderie of Camargo’s class informed the FBI that the Latin had published images and content in the social speeches that Mostraban was participating in the Capitol.

In agreement with the denunciation, in a photo, Camargo appears to be a metal piece of the Capitol’s edifice. At the end of the image written: “I will get some recollections, it will be different”.

In another video he sees Camargo grabbing his hat with the Police to open a door of this edition.

The accusation of lying in social speeches is an excuse for his actions “while staying in the Capitol”, according to the report.

Other Florida detainees joined Enrique Tarrio, led by Proud Boys, Joe Biggs and Gabriel García, recruiter and members of this ultra-Orthodox group, and Felipe Márquez respectively.
