Arrested at the author of the shooting in Austin, Texas, who died 3 days ago | News Univision Tiroteos

Stephen Nicholas Broderick, the presumptive author of the crime that killed three people this morning at an apartment building in Austin, Texas, was detained by authorities.

The suspect was arrested just before 7.30am on Monday in a rural apartment in Manor, a suburb of Austis, according to Ryan Phipps, city police.

The Austin Police, which describes the incident like “domestic” and “aislado”, dijo que dos de las viktimas eran mujeres hispanas y uno más era un un Africanamericano. Además de tres falecidos, hubo un menor de edad envuelto en este incident, pero que se encouentra a salvo ya cargo de la Policía.

El sospechoso, 41 years old, was given to the fugue after the attack and is organizing an operation involving the FBI, the United States Alguaciles and Round Rock Police to capture its capture. He’s an ex-detective of the Order’s forces who were accused in June 2020 of sexual aggression to a child.

Authorities investigated the motive for the shooting.

The Austin is the second deadly tiroteo of the last hours, except that the last step in less than three people lost their lives and the other results were lost in a bar of Kenosha, in the state of Wisconsin.

These attacks occur after the players ocho personas fallecieran and cinco resultaran heridas cuando un hombre armado abrió fuego de manera indiscriminada en un almacén de la emprise em postesa servicios FedEx en Indianapolis, Indiana).

Este y los tiroteos de las ultimas semanas en EEUU han reabierto el debate about a mayor control of arms in the country.

El viernes el presidente Joe Biden he demanded that Senate regain control of the fugitive’s arms and that he should “accept” a type of violence that “had been converted to normal blood” and caused 106 deaths in that country.

“Armed violence is an epidemic in the United States, but we will not accept it, we will act”, vermaning.

This is what we know about this movie

The Austin Tiroteo is one of the most massive tarot lists to be produced during the week end of the week, in one of the most violent violations of fugitive arms that has been recorded.

