Arrest on ‘Black’, presumptive narco guatemalteco pedido by EEUU

The policy of Guatemala captures this sabbath in it, near the front with Honduras, ‘n a supuesto narcotraficante complained about in addition to United States accused of transferring cocaine shipments from Colombia, inform the Fiscalía.

Donal Osorio, the 34 years, alias “Black“, was detained during an operation in a carriageway in the eastern municipality of Los amates based on an order of capture “with finesse extradition hacia los United States“for delinquencies related to narcotics, indicates the Public Ministry (Fiscalía) in a communication.

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According to the Fiscalía, Osorio, filed by a court in the state of Texas (sur), was part of a “large-scale drug trafficking organization” that between 2018 and 2019 transports cocaine shipments from Colombia to the United States.

“The investigation identified a Osorio (…) as a member of the Organization (…) responsible for transporting, directing, managing and supervising the drug trafficking activities of the organization in Guatemala“, added the text.

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Posteriormente, los cargamentos desde Colombia eran levied to the United States for its distribution, aggregate.

Osorio is the decimated drug-addicted detainee detained in the va va de 2021 of Guatemala advertised in extradition by the judiciary estadounidense.

Following the authorities, large international cartels, with the help of local drug traffickers, used to Guatemala and the rest of Central America to transport drugs and launder money, activities that incite in criminal violence that azota the region.

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Agreed with United States, el 90% of the cocaine that flows into these passages in airplanes, lanes and submarines in Mexico and Central America.
