Armando Manzanero the day herencia todos, menos a uno de sus hijos

After the lamentable decree of the composer Yucateco Armando Manzanero, now, his family is apprehensive.

If you know how to will de Don Armando Manzanero he led his family, seeing the albacea to his Diego, giving us a family friend in January; y confirm it one of his hats is not included, while they viuda see figure in the will.

Fue Mainca Manzanero who revealed that her husband Rodrigo (ambos hijos de la pareja peruana que tuvo el cantautor), not included in the will of the song.

manzanero testamento herencia hijos rodrigo

My dad made the decision, it’s not like we’re connected to anything we see, we’re all hermanos, if at all we have a percentage de regalia, but then my dad made me believe he also had his motives o reasons del por qué no incluirlo a el ” explains Mainca and ‘Ventaneando’.

Manzanero’s hen also también dio a conocer que des watel día que se leio testament, her hermano is alejó of the family, “No lo hemos hablado (sobre su exclusion), de hecho, aparter de que leio testament para acá el halaado un poco, pero bueno, es decisión de cada quien I believe that you are something that you hope for. It has a very long time to live here in Mexico, it lives in Lima, Peru, it lives a time in Chile ”, dijo Mainca.

manzanero testamento herencia hijos rodrigo

I would also like to signal that we do not discuss the possibility of give a percentage to your husband of the regalia that a friend of the family revealed us in black, generating millions of pounds, in addition to the fact that the yucateco tends a fortune of cases 800 million pounds; but for this is the tendency to consult with his fellow Germans and do not know if they have done it.

manzanero testamento herencia hijos rodrigo

To finalize, Mainca detailed que su padre le heredó en vida a Rodrigo, a department do not currently have any interest payments, “The day my dad left a department where he lives, he has nothing to pay back, only he has to pay. To the best of Rodrigo’s step by step the cabeza thinks that algo does not stow well, and that you can get out of it thanks to you teen…. Always resolved situations, problem solver ya lo mejor esta gacho que yo esté hablando así, de things that no one cares about in public, but it does not matter … good things, that also piense pores because of the touch, or what aunts things my dad had to resolve, or what aunts had me my dad who pays things for me to stare well ”, deduction.
