“Armando Manzanero has no fortune”: the composer’s cheerleaders say he is not familiar with the regalia

Mexican songwriter Armando Manzanero claims that rumors about herenia's cash flow and possible conflicts over his falsehoods (Photo: EFE / Sáshenka Gutiérrez)
Mexican songwriter Armando Manzanero claims that rumors about herenia’s cash flow and possible conflicts over his falsehoods (Photo: EFE / Sáshenka Gutiérrez)

It appears that the rumor of constant pelias by fin limit to the family of Armando Manzanero, and it’s just one of the composer’s hips salió to clarify that the rumors related about a pelea between his hermanos by questions of the herencia his falsos, as well as the Hebrew side of the supuesta cantidad manejada by various means of communication.

Just following a post from his Twitter profile where Juan Pablo Manzanero claims that none of the hyenas of the song are being played on the topic of the herenia that the yucateco is having, and that the figure of 500 million people is one that is very real and inclusive lies hizo hincapié and that it is afraid to speculate about the time you have not many days.

As dice el comentario de Juan Pablo Manzanero:

To all my dear friends and also to the organized delinquency: my father does not have a fortune that is said in the media and many less my husbands, families and I are divided, if we teach my father in unity of respect and love

The tweet that Juan Pablo published related to the rumors of conflicts over the herznia of Manzanero (Captura de Pantalla: Twitter @jpmanzanero)
The tweet that Juan Pablo published related to the rumors of conflicts over the herznia of Manzanero (Captura de Pantalla: Twitter @jpmanzanero)

And is that, following a national publication published dedicated to the shows, the creators of “By debajo de la mesa”, is found to be due to the fact that you have to initiate legal proceedings to deal with the money of the diner regalías e Monthly entries that receive all of their inheritances, related to those who interpret Don Armando’s songs.

The “Maestro” passed away on December 28, being one of the most important numbers of COVID-19, without embarrassment, as part of the scandal took place in the context in which the singer was arrested, a series of journeys was made realized, between them was one Yucatan. The governor of the state has invited him to inaugurate a culture house that hiccups with his name, as part of a shuffle by his large trayectoria.

If you do not know how to travel on the Yucatan Passage during a trip to Oaxaca to celebrate his companions, the song is sung by the City of Mexico, by which two his respiratory problems aggravate and was interned in a hospital in the Mexico City. If the administration is a treat, the one who responds initially in an appropriate manner, may degrade his condition.

Armando Manzanero finds himself working in his studio one day before being hospitalized by COVID-19 (Capture of Pantalla: Rodrigo de la Cadena's Instagram)
Armando Manzanero finds himself working in his studio one day before being hospitalized by COVID-19 (Capture of Pantalla: Rodrigo de la Cadena’s Instagram)

It was precisely his wife, Laura Elena Villas, who ensured that the composer was not admitted to any hospital when he was being hospitalized and that only this option was considered to be very unhealthy, without embarrassment, the day on which the covids of COVID-19 are aggravated, the author says that he has complete permission to be admitted to a hospital, in order to be able to resist the fact that one day he is interned and is found working in his studio.

And what was the testimony of this was the song Rodrigo de la Cadena, who was found in the grabs with him and who had a close contact. Fortunately for Rodrigo, the proof that COVID-19 turned out to be negative. Stay with Manzanero without the contact of the nurse, then log the privilege of grabbing some of the unspoken songs that the master holds in his repertoire:

Tuve la dicha. I’m privileged to have shared his ultimate comedy in the one that Charles has on the 7th of the night. On the next day I was quoted as saying to dig into the study of various unconventional songs that the artist various stories, such as Julio Iglesias o disqueras. Tuve el gusto de estar grabando esto con el


“Fue la primera vez lo lo esquez decir que se sentia mal”: the ultimate video of Armando Manzanero before being hospitalized by COVID-19

“Even if I look at the abrasion”: Armando Manzanero and the statements that will show his distance from Luis Miguel

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