Armageddon? Large asteroid flying through the earth, closer to the moon – look

This is not Armageddon, but it is. An asteroid named 2021 EQ3 will move closer to Earth on Monday night than the Moon itself.

And luckily, it will all be sent live online!

The flight event will be completely safe and pose no danger to anything or anyone on earth or to any of the satellites, the Cnet website reports. The asteroid will pass Israel closest to us at about 9.45pm on Monday night, at a distance of about 278,000 kilometers – 72% of the distance from the earth to the moon.

Although 2021 EQ3 is actually not the only asteroid that has come so close to Earth, it is one of the largest.

On average, aerial photographs and other telescopes see a space rock passing by the moon closer every few days, even though most of these asteroids are only a few meters wide, which probably does not make it bigger than a bus.

However, Asteroid 2021 EQ3 can have a diameter of up to 38 meters, which according to the report is more like the size of a small apartment building.

It is also different from 2001 FO32, which is an absolute sample with a diameter of about a mile. The asteroid will pass on March 21, but five times farther than the moon at a distance.

The size of the asteroid also makes it a great object to detect, and the Virtual Telescope project in Rome will stream an online viewing party via its website.

Last year, NASA found that an asteroid would come close to Earth on November 2, a day before the US presidential election, CNN reported.

The asteroid, known as 2018VP1, was first identified in 2018 and has a diameter of two meters (6.5 feet). Although it has only a 0.41% chance of hitting the earth, NASA still found potential consequences of a collision. But because of its small size, it is unlikely to have an impact on apocalyptic proportions, CNN reports.
