Arma Geraldine Bazán fiestón sin sana distancia

Actress Geraldine Bazán went all the way to the distance and the time of pandemic and armed a big party with various guests who do not respect the sanitary media.

Through social speeches, the famous and his friends share images of the party in which she celebrates her 38 years.

In the photographs, the guests appear abrazandose, sonriendo a la kämara, without using cubrebocas or any kind of protection; the same shape is presumed to be part of the decoration given to the party head.

Among the famous celebrants of Bazán who will accompany the celebrations of the actors Lambda García and Sofía Lama, although there are no celebrities who will star in the meeting.

The ex-wife of actor Gabriel Soto has not yet commented on this, although there are several of his famous followers like Karla Díaz and Angelique Boyer he sent his congratulations and good wishes.

“Congratulations to my Gery hermosaaa! ¡Que hoy y siempre sees inmensamente feliz y que Dios te bendiga a ti siempre ya toda tu familia! ¡Tqm!”, Le escribió Díaz en una de sus publications.
