Arkansas Governor does not respond to Trump’s candidacy

WASHINGTON, ESTADOS UNIDOS.-The governor of Arkansas Asa Hutchinson declared the domingo that did not respond to a candidacy of Donald Trump if the president decides to make a new post in 2024, stating that “there is time” to give other votes within the Republican Party.

“Nee, nee lo haría”, Hutchinson replies when the question arises in the programState of the Union“CNN’s wanted to respond to Trump.

“He’s going to vote, as he does, but there are a lot of votes in the party,” the governor added.

Trump “should not be the one who defines our future, so it is up to us to define our differences.”

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Hutchinson, tras el asalto al Capitolio on January 6, it was announced that Trump’s governor would conclude. Mr Hutchinson did not comment on the allegations in a statement issued Friday stating “Similar, baseless allegations concerning Trump’s administration have been made more than once.

The interview with Hutchinson had sent word to despair that his sovereign Jim Hendren, a state senator in Arkansas, had announced that he would abandon the Republican Party and raise it to the Capitol as part of Trump’s followers.

The Domingo, Hutchinson praised the Trump family, especially to Ivanka, and made sure to respect the decision of his neighbor to follow his political career as an Independent. Pero Hutchinson claims that Republicans tend to have “a good future” if they follow conservative principles and do not have “personalities”.
