Volunteer medical staff will administer COVID-19 vaccines to patients during a pop-up clinic at Western International High School on April 12, 2021 in Detroit, Michigan. (Photo by Matthew Hatcher / Getty Images)
PHOENIX – Arizona public health officials reported 845 new cases of coronavirus and 30 additional deaths from COVID-19 on Friday.
The latest documented total was 852,570 COVID-19 infections and 17,153 deaths, according to the Arizona Department of Health’s COVID-19 dashboard.
The dashboard also showed that 4,326,494 vaccine doses were administered in the state, with 2,656,696 people (37% of the state population) receiving at least one shot and 1,812,090 people being fully vaccinated.
Hospitalizations related to the virus declined on Thursday after reaching the highest levels of April the previous day. The number of confirmed or suspected COVID-19 inpatients in state hospitals dropped by 15 to 569 overnight. The number of ICU beds used by COVID-19 patients dropped by eight to 154.
The state health department’s daily updates contain data on cases and deaths after the state receives and confirms statistics, which can be delayed by a few days or longer. It does not represent the actual activity during the last 24 hours.
The hospital numbers posted each morning are electronically reported the night before by hospitals across the state.
COVID-19, the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, has no effect on some people and is severely debilitating or deadly to others. Infected people without symptoms – which include coughing, fever and breathing problems – can spread the virus.
Diagnostic tests are available in hundreds of locations in Arizona and should be sought by someone with symptoms or who has been exposed to an infected person. Information on places, schedules and registration can be found on the website of the Department of Health Services.
All Arizona adults are eligible to receive COVID-19 vaccines, with a minimum age of 16 for the Pfizer survey and 18 for other approved versions.
For more information on the availability of vaccines across the country, there is a page on the ADHD website with vaccine finders containing locations and registration information.
Maricopa County Public Health has a tracking page featuring pharmacies, government-run websites, health clinics, and pop-up distribution events.
Next week’s appointments for state – run mass vaccination sites using the Pfizer vaccine are released every Friday at 11am. Appointments can be booked online at https://podvaccine.azdhs.gov/ or by calling 844-542 -8201.
Additional locations may be open by any provider at any time due to cancellations and additional deliveries, so vaccine seekers should continue to check any or all of the registration options regularly.