Aries Horoscope – Monday, April 12, 2021 | Ram Horoscopes

Venus was placed over his Ascendant lendant of a great charisma and a very powerful magnetism that would be quite well observed by the Sextil with Marte in Gemini in case.

You will be able to have excellent and refined conversations that will teach you good feelings and thoughts about your entourage and the people you meet.

Pronostic of the Day.
Hoy las buenas noticias llegan desde hogar gracias a que la parte de la Fortuna se encuentra sober tu casa 4; for what a surprise there will be allegiance to you.

You can prove your differences within your home with your relatives or persons forming part of your family’s most closely related persons and persons belonging to your origin.

The fertile, harmonious and beautiful Venus placed in your house 1 has a full connection with your house 7 in the sign of Libra; donde Venus gobierna.

You will benefit from being able to look elegant, refined and attractive, and the notorious and valued people will be attracted to your magnetism as well as to your intellect; which are qualities that you also value a lot in the people you attract.


Be very pulpy and preoccupied with your body and your person are the ones that Virgo in house 6 connecting with house 1 has for you; Maagd should allow attention to be paid and be careful that attention is paid to the smallest details while always maintaining hygiene; si mantienes esto los problems de Salud se alejarán de ti hoy.

Being disciplined, constant, enthusiastic and determined during his work will be very favored by the sign of Virgo the day of high; ayudándote to increase your manual abilities and attention can allow significant increases in how to develop your activities and you can create a better form.

Preaching prediction.
It is very possible that you are happy with something in these moments and that there is a lot of love, magic and allegiance that Venus in your Ascendant connected with your house 7 lines of much positive energy in these themes; especially when it comes to attracting and favoring other people’s intellectual qualities, elegance, refinement, culture and beauty.

Uranus in Tauro is in the process of revealing new stories for the future and the current situations are in a hurry and it has become increasingly difficult to find an adequate directorate.

Uranium is confident that analyzes well the situation to be able to choose a truck suitable to prosecute within the economic issues, since the world is very different only 10 years ago it is necessary to develop Uranian quality of vision in the future.


Amor: Géminis, Libra and Acuario.
Amistad: Ram, Leo and Sagitario.
Work: Tauro, Virgo and Capricornio.

Wenk del Día.
It will be very beneficial to have the relationship with new people in groups of interests that are related, in stokperdjies or in civil associations and that Jupiter from your case 11 we know that expansion and good luck are present in these themes; asi will be very prudent to approve the increase and expansion of your person and entourage.

Haunted Latinoamérica – La casa maligna
