Aries Horoscope – Jueves April 15, 2021 | Ram Horoscopes

It is the strong connection of the element Fuego between the Sun in your Ascendant and March in Gemini in your case 3 that creates a Sextil very beneficial in the alcance, power and quality with which you communicate with the world.

You can test it very well if you use social media because your personality will tend to be attractive because you will be expressing yourself with a lot of intelligence and charisma; eso va a estar llamando mucho la attention.

Pronostic of the Day.
The Quadrature between Mercury in your Ascendant and Pluto in Capricorn in your House 10 has a lot of mental tension that is being produced by a personal education that is being held because his entourage has been changing so much while provoking many. asuntos nuevos que resolver.

But you are waiting for the Sun to be 3 degrees from your Mercury so that you can dart much clarity to the time of ten that take decisions or decide the next step to give.

The dicha and the goddess star are very thankful that the astrological part of the Fortuna is located in Leo in your house 5; esto te va a dar mucha suerte para en tener momentos a lo largo del dia donde disfrutarás mucho cosos que te gustan relacionadas con tus passiones; The amorous passion for consecration will be very chaste.


Maagd en tu casa 6 te volverá particularmente limpio y cuidadoso con tu cuerpo; en gran medida lo será debido a las nuasas medidas de hygien que se han puesto en marcha.

This embargo represents an excellent notice for your health so this simple action can avoid many doctor visits.

Your personality will be very attentive to the needs of your clients or your observer to find new solutions to problems that may appear during your work day. It’s thanks to Mercury in your house 1 refuses the features of Virgo in your house 6.

Preaching prediction.
That Venus is in Tauro the town of his regency the one who wants the most power over his influences about his house 2 who is going to find out; Your house 7 where you will usually find your relations to be in the sign of Libra connected with the energy of the economy and the resources of house 2.

For this it is very possible that some of its economic or financial circles which can be enamored; it is by its qualities of great intellect or its elegance.

The plans that have been on the market within your finances have been well received and have yielded tangible results without hesitation that adequate pieces are needed, only the time given for the processes to be realized and that Urano is a revolutionary planet, transgressor and intellectual to be in Tauro a sign of Tierra; it turns out that the great ideas go down the drain, but when the hagan van has many benefits for your economy.

Amor: Gemini, Libra and Acuario.
Amistad: Ram, Leo and Sagitario.
Work: Tauro, Virgo and Capricornio.

Wenk del Día.
If you can convince with some adult mayor during your day, you will have good advice and a lot of sabidurie then Saturn in Acuario connects very well with the adult majors and Jupiter with sabiduria and misery; this combination can be served in the form of some tip or help that can be received by some people.

