Argentinië inicia en Amerika Latina la application de la vacuna rusa contra la covid-19 | Sociedad

La vacuna rusa contra covid-19 ha llegado a América Latina. Lo hecho a través de Argentina. With the application of the first dose to a medical therapist from a hospital in the province of Buenos Aires, the Sputnik V, produced by the Gamaleya laboratory, was located in a disputed territory by EEU, Europe and China laboratories. The first 300,000 doses were taken to South American countries on December 24, aboard a flight of Aerolíneas Argentina sent specifically to Moscow. Five days later, Alberto Fernández’s Governor initiated the simultaneous evacuation in the 23 provinces of the country, in addition to the city of Buenos Aires. Alcanzan doses are used to immunize 76% of medical personnel who control coronavirus from the first line of fusion.

At the initiative of the campaign, Argentina convenes in the neighborhoods of the region in vacancies to its people, beyond Mexico, Chile and Costa Rica. “The idea is to pay for the vacation with those who have more exposure to the risk. It’s a green epic to make Argentina’s largest emergency evacuation campaign possible, ”said Salud’s Minister Ginés González García, who began the process at the Hospital Posadas, a cement mill that reached decades of patients in the west of the extrarradio of the Argentine capital. At 60 kilometers from the city, in the city of La Plata, the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, converted into the first Argentine politician to receive the vaccine against covid-19. “I’m sorry to hit the jackpot”, dijo.

The medium of the second dose of the Russian vaccine is presented in January. In a second stage, the police and masters will receive, in addition to the mayors of 60 years. President Fernández, 61 years old, and González García, 75, will be here when the vacations take place. The Sputnik V election in May’s 60 years ago was a topic of debate two weeks ago, when the Argentine governor said that the vaccine had not been tested in this eda franchise. The incident led to the opposition to the peronism, which accused Fernández of lacking transparency with a drug that contained the review of citizens and experts on the speed of his attempts.

Argentina has companies, in addition to Moscow, provision contracts with the Pfizer state laboratory and with the AstraZeneca pharmaceutical company, which works in company with the University of Oxford. The Gobierno has spent much of this time, throughout the company, last August, agreeing to manufacture a local vaccine active laboratory, which will be incorporated and distributed throughout Latin America from Mexico. AstraZeneca’s vacancy is up for grabs, and Casa Rosada is in talks with Gamaleya to lose its job.

As well as Argentina and Belarus, which began to summon the vacancy also this March, will be converted into the first countries – salvo Russia, by supuesto – to administer in the regular caucas. The Sputnik V has completed clinical trials and is committed to publishing the results in a first-level scientific review, as confirmed by the Russian Inversion Fund (RDIF), the funder of the vacancy. Although the Argentines have no son to receive first: Venezuela has 120 people inside its evacuated clinical clinics.

The developers ensure that the Sputnik V has an efficiency of more than 91% has received the doses that make up the vaccine. The immunization is authorized at the end of the week also for the mayors of 60 years, through a separate study in person of this edad group, according to the Ministry of Health on Saturday. Ese ensayo específico se hizo with 150 volunteer mayors.

Hasta entonces, the injection is only indicated for people between 18 and 60 years, which caused the controversy in Argentina. Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is 68 years old, said he was evacuating when Sputnik V received the good results of the scientists for his oath group. The permit has been read and many of the things that have been hoped for in Russia and will be the injection.

At the moment, Argentina only received the first of the two doses. The second envoy, which has the second and must be summed up 21 days after the initial injection, will be in January. “In three weeks, the second component will be installed, possibly antes, but not too late”, assured Alexadr Gintsburg, head of the Gamaleya Institute, the developer of the Sputnik V of the second dose- and retrasada. Alberto Fernández’s Governor has 10 million doses of immunization, basin in adenovirus of the common free and with two vectors of evacuation.

Russia, which was the first country in the world to register a vaccine against the coronavirus, has received criticism for the rapidity and initial lack of transparency of the tests. The Kremlin confided in the administration as a first line of defense against the covid, that in the Eurasian country, one of the most affected at the world level, had contagious to more than three thousand people.

In addition, following the latest revision of the data, of these months, a 186,000 deaths from coronavirus in Russia, according to Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golíkova, coronavirus operative collection, citing demographic data. A figure of three mayors that was collected in the register of coronavirus failure cases, questioned enormously by the experts, which is from the beginning of the pandemic criticizing the reviewer.

But in addition, Moscow and Sputnik V have a form of devolving Russian science to the first line and a point of geo-strategic force. With a price of 20 dollars (the two doses), significantly more than those of its competitors such as the Modern and Pfizer vaccine, and an unassuming transport logistics for the first time, Russia will export its vaccine for decades of lands. Currently, more than 50 have expressed interest, according to the RDIF.

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– In the case of ten-year-olds, these are the telephones that are located in every part of Latin America.
