Argentine Justice suspends Cristina Fernández’s double vital pension

The Argentine Justice suspends this juvees the resolution that habilitaba to the president (2007-2015) and current vice president of Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, to cover a double pension vitalicia: the suya as exmandataria y otra and character of suuda by the bankruptcy esposo, the former President Néstor Kirchner (2003-2007).

In a brief case published by the Judicial Power, the federal subpoena Ezequiel Pérez Nami, belonging to Juzgado N ° 10 of the Social Security Fuero, acceded to three appeal appeals against the sentence pending the end of the year , allowed Cristina Fernández to cover these simultaneous form performances.

One of the appeal procedures of the National Administration of Social Security (ANSES), while the other four cases were formulated by opposition legislators.

“Proceedings concerning interlocutory appeal proceedings, in compliance with the dispute under Article 243 of the CPCCN (Code of Civil Procedure and Commercial Code of the Nation)”, detailed the case of Pérez Nami in the case.

With this decision, Fernández will cover a single pension up to the National Chamber of Social Security, which will take a definite position on this issue.

The executor received in December 2010 a non-contributory pension on the death of his spouse from a cardiac parent, a benefit considered Monthly Vitalicia Assignment for ex-presidents that corresponds to the need for a first mandate.

Five years later, at the end of his second term, Fernández commenced to cover another vital pension, this time he will be president.

According to transcendence, the former cobra costs 330,000 pounds ($ 21,700 at present, 3,753.95 actuals) monthly antimus- tions for its vital anniversary commemoration and livelihood.

In 2016, the President initiated a petition demanding that the Governor of Mauricio Macri (2015-2019) issue a resolution obliging to elect a single vital pension.

In its appeal, the senator states that the Administration “has no competence to suspend the effects of an act and consent” and considers that it has “subjective rights in favor of not being revoked, modified or assisted in administrative matters”.

Thus, Fernandez proclaims the evolution of the retirement pension for the death of executor Néstor Kirchner, as well as the amounts withheld in terms of taxation and benefits.

The proposal was made by Pérez Nami on the reason for the president’s decision in December 2020 and the permission to cover the two pensions again, a decision that has been published since it was suspended.
