The Argentine Vice President, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, has one less month to go. The First Chamber of the Federal Chamber of Criminal Cases decided on March, by unanimity, the sovereignty of all. accused in the so-called “dollar futures” cause, between them, in addition to the vice president, the current governor of Buenos Aires and five years behind the Minister of Economy, Axel Kicillof.
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner was allowed, on March 4, a telegram allegation before the judges who had just closed the case. Accusations of justice have contributed to Mauricio Macri’s electoral victory in 2015 and he has been asked to abide by the Supreme Court: Execution of the members of the tribunal that apply “the law and the Constitution”. The ex-president and now vice-president said that he had all the reasons to do so. His situation is much more. Complicated in other summaries referring to his enrichment and to his family.
The cause of the “future dollar” is just as strong as what is defined as “lawfare”, the use of justice with political ends. The announcement was made by the Christian parliamentarians just before the election of the second electorate of 2015 and the correspondence to the bankruptcy was Claudio Bonadío, only personal staff of Fernández Kirchner. And su fallo, critic of the tribunal – la instrucción. In a separate vote, the jealous Ana María Figueroa was especially angry with Bonadío: he stated that he had incorrectly denied the defense and that his instruction was “incomplete and discretionary”.
The source of the allegation is an operation by the Central Bank (another of those found by its current president, Miguel Pesce) in which 17,000 million dollars will be sold in the future. The various tenant contracts that liquidate our debts, between February and July of 2016. The price of the sale was agreed to be 10.8 pesos per dollar; when the plazas were won, the real price was significantly higher and the investors invested in a large deal at the expense of the Central Bank’s reserves.
The Tribunal de Casación is basing its case on a case raised by the Banco Central property (and currently being reimbursed by Bonadío) following the sale of the dollar for sale in the future due to the increase, with benefits up to 2015 as in 2016. Además de eso, los magistrados afirmaron lo que resultaba stastante obvio des de principle: que no correspondande a los jueces juzgar las de politico de politico.