Argentina, also destined for clinical trials of vaccines against covid-19

(CNN Español) – Career for the development of vacancies against the global covid-19. According to the World Health Organization, there are currently 240 vacancies against covid-19, while only 63 are in clinical development.

In Latin America, only six countries carry out clinical trials or plan to participate in any, agreeing with December 2020 information.

Argentina is one of them and has authorized clinical trials of vaccines against the new coronavirus, in addition to 22 clinical trials on drugs.

“The quality of the Argentine sanitation system is very good and Argentina has a tradition of clinical trials. Hay varias ‘CRO’, kontraknavorsingsorganisasies, que son professional organizations cuya mission er gestionar clinical clinics and que son de reconocido prestigio internacional ”, sostiene Luis Ruiz-Avila, executive president de Ruti Inmune, una de las companies in Spanish now país.

Although Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Peru are also involved in clinical trials of vaccines against covid-19, some specialists report various aspects of Argentina.

“It has various variants: experience in investigation, a series regulatory agency, the ANMAT, which has the classification of Reference Authority, that of the OMS and the OPS. If Argentina has some algae, the other countries can be approved even faster, as we do with the FDA or the European Union. Entants will be attractive, above all, for drug and drug producers who want to be in Latin America, ”said Omar Sued, president of the Argentine Society of Infectology and director of Investigations de la Fundación Huésped.

Currently in the country are developing its three phase studies, which is the stage in which the investigators will be able to confirm the efficacy of the vaccine and its security on a large scale.

The first was approved by Pfizer and BioNtech, in July 2020, and was the most completed, including the first three phases of investigation.

Credit: JUAN MABROMATA / AFP via Getty Images

The siguieron, in August and September, respectively, the authorization for the three-phase trials of Elea Phoenix, with the Chinese vacuana of Sinopharm, and of Johnson & Johnson, with the of Janssen.

In order for this era to be announced that the active principle of the AstraZeneca vaccine will be produced in the country for the entire region, it will be approved by the end of November to approve three-phase localities, together with Chinese studies at CanSino Biology. This is the last one, just like Janssen’s, presents as it requires only a dose.

As of 2021, more studies will be authorized: Merck, Sharp & Dohme (MSD), which will be canceled by the Global Level Laboratory as the first results of its investigations into unintentional, and CureVac, with Bayer.

In October 2020, too, he will be allowed to advance with a step-by-step attempt for a Spanish experimental vehicle, the Ruti.

Its developers explain that there is a vacancy originally for tuberculosis, which lasts more than 10 years of study. Although it is not specific to covid-19, it is worth trying to reduce the risk of contraindication.

“It is a vaccine that estimates the innermost body of the organism and has the capacity to, possibly, protect the individual front and distinct Germanic respirators. No tuberculosis alone, no other pathogens, including virus, as for example SARS-CoV-2. It does not compete with the vacancies that are high in all types of drugs », investigates the doctor Waldo Belloso, infectiologist and clinical pharmacologist of the Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires, who is the cargo of the assayo in Argentina.

“Pueden ser complementary mechanisms. Hecho, one of the things that we are analyzing, that we are analyzing in the studio that is on the market, is the probability that the people that hayan received both vacancies in a sequential manner, that is, first the vacancy Routes and then the vacancy specifically, pudieran tener mayor responds to the specific vacancy, as far as the point of view of the cells as the antiquities », aggregates Belloso.

Experience, volunteers and costs

The Huésped Foundation, nearing the end of its history in response to the propaganda of the VIH in the country, is one of the organizations that is conducting more clinical trials on vaccines against the new coronavirus in Argentina. Participate in Janssen, coordinate Sinopharm and patrocina and coordinate CanSino.

The experience in the treatment and prevention of VIH has helped him to study the studies of the new coronavirus.

“We have a lot of experience in vacancies. We are evacuating from the first years of the VIH epidemic, but by the year 89. We are dealing with the first establishments and we are permanently studying. All VIH’s medical studios are based in Argentina, ”says Sued, who is at the forefront of investigations.

The clinical trials during, in general, between one and two years, with periodic reviews of the participants, which can vary from telephone calls to more complex checks with hisopads and analysis of blood. But this does not seem to be a complication at the time of voluntary counseling.

Only for the CanSino bus search unit to recruit 4,000 volunteers, according to the number of peddlers they have boarded.

“We have 20,000 people registered to receive the vaccine and we will not be able to dispose of it,” Sued said.

Although there are so many reasons why Argentina is considered for the clinical trials of the major global pharmaceuticals, the economic and sanitary cohort actually has more attractive countries.

“Economically it is much more difficult to investigate here in Europe or in the United States. And here we are in a country with a lot of communal circulation. Demonstrating the possibility of demonstrating an effect in this country is much more than what is happening in Australia, there are people who hope that they will infect people », exemplifies Sued.

In addition to the facilities available in Argentina, none of the vacancies that are being tested are available to the general public in the country, although some, such as Pfizer and AstraZeneca, are subject to local emergency use.

At the moment, the only one that has confirmed that it will be available is the AstraZeneca, the dose, according to the governing body and the Covax United Nations mechanism, will be read in the semesters close to the Sputnik V races, which are unique that currently sums up Argentina.
