Argenis: Rendering Accounts by the Crime of Yunior Ramirez

Argenis Contreras González, the chief prosecutor of the associate professor and university professor Yuniol Ramírez, continues to be interrogated today at 11:00 a.m. by the fiscal general prosecutor’s office, a five-hour investigation into the investigation.

Contreras González was repatriated from the United States and read to the airport in the United States at 11:30 a.m. Monday, was rescued by the head of the Special Prosecution Service of the Administrative Corruption (Pepca), Wilson Camachizo, qu. notifies the criminal charges against it.

The Public Ministry has arrested the accused in the preventive sentence of the Palace of Justice of Ciudad Nueva.

Plutarco Jáquez, lawyer for Contreras González, said that his defense was not the principal’s fault, and that at the moment he will be adding new numbers to the expedition.

“Those persons who have been included in the clerkship, the Public Ministry will weigh them, even if the persons who have been included are reintegrated into the clerks”, indicated the sale of the interrogation to his clients in the Procuraduría.

“When it comes to the country, there are many well-known, general, coronal, political people, we are talking about the kind of people who can put the cape on,” said Jáquez, Contreras González’s lawyer.

The accusation has been made by United States to evade the judicial process followed by Ramírez Ferreras’ sequel and assassination, as well as by the Commission of Suspicious Acts. The author of the material on the death of the lawyer and chair of the university has been sent.

The Interpol dictated the order of capture in return, from October 2017 onwards the official number 2017/254847. In Ramírez’s assassination drive involved also the Contreras wife, Heydi Carolina Peña; José Mercado Blanco (El Grande), Víctor Elisander Ravelo Campos (“El Herrero”) and Jorge Luis Abreu Fabián (“DJ y El Taxista”), accused of harassing the author and intending to destroy evidence about the case.

In this context, the Director General of the Metropolitan Bus Service (OMSA), Manuel Rivas, and Coronel Faustino Díaz, who were the financial manager of this entity, were accused in principle.



Last Monday, Camacho stated that he had not been charged in the case which was filed against Contreras.

Explained that working “without price, without pause” in this case and in all cases has no relation to the theme of corruption.

He was questioned about how difficult it was for the United States, but he was not extradited to Contreras, the title of the Pepca pidio respecting the decisions of the other authorities.

The arrest in the EU

Counterclaims were made in the United States on April 21, 2018, including an order of arrest issued against him by the Public Ministry of the Dominican Republic.
