Are you studying medicine? CDMX allows to recreate universities

‘Part of the 22nd of February the CDMX university repertoire will be allowed; these are the mediators who are to be taken into account.

As of this month, the 22nd of February will allow the repertoire of universities in CDMX, inform the authorities in the Gaceta Oficial.

Calma. Todavía nee berei tu mochila voor. The renewal of attendance activities at university plants is subject to regular regulations.

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CDMX University Repertoire Rules

First of all, public universities and private schools with CDMX seats can open their doors to students who are taking care of health.

In the Gaceta Oficial of 19 February informs that the repertoire of universities in CDMX only applies to practical classes and the use of laboratories.

There are several media outlets that this repertoire is only for students who are hoping to complete with the practice classes or laboratory sessions to become titular.

This implies that only students can be assisted at the end of the semester, which is a step up from the university.

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Agreed with the announcement in the Gaceta Oficial about the CDMX university repertoire, alumni and staff should complete a series of meds.

Uses obligatory cubrebocas to enter the plant and during all the time of its permanence.

Do not respect the distance. It’s a decision, the de haber is a separation between 1.5 meters and the personas.

Universities deben colocar sanitary filters in the access. It is with the finality of detecting sins, taking the temperature of the teaching staff and students.

Geen should not be allowed to enter the plant at quienes presenten tempera burgemeester at 37.5 degrees.

Uses and spaces of common use should be compared with antibacterial gel dispensers with 70% alcohol.

They must constantly disinfect the common areas of use and contact surfaces.

Privilegiar natural ventilation. If not possible, the sole ventilation system can operate with a recirculation of at least 40% of the exterior.

The recirculation of air into the interior is prohibited. The system and filters must be disinfected and constantly cleaned.

Otra of the rules for the repertoire of universities in CDMX is to avoid sharing materials during the practices.

Ultimately, the authorities can implement a citation system so that students can implement their practices, if possible.

On the 19th of February, the CDMX authorities will inform you that the City will continue its orange semester with an alert during the week of 22 to 28 February.

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The most recent figures on the covid-19 pandemic in CDMX establish that 536 mil 58 cases have accumulated, of the 21 mil milestones 553 are confirmed cases.

Además, la CDMX reported al menos 33 million 565 people as a causal virus.

If you want to be part of the repertoire of universities in CDMX you will be able to use cubrebocas, you will often have the cars, and you will not have to drive, cars, boats or boats with the men.

#HazPatria y cuídate mucho, chilango.

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