Are they preparing fiscal taxes to sue Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández? | Unicision Narcotraphic News

In an audio message directed to his party on Tuesday nights, Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández, sonaba as a homeless man.

“It is inconceivable that the false testimonies of confessors will be heard and valued in this form”, dioo con voz dolida.

Hablaba has heard that his husband, Tony Hernández, was conducting a search for the introduction of 185 tons of cocaine in the United States in a large conspiracy.

President Hernandez will be the next in line to be named in the case of his men, and at least two others, as co-conspirator.

Although it has not been formally prosecuted, the hearings have now been heard by the Supreme Court in large part, some experts said. “If Juan Orlando Hernandez were to go to court, he would get a condensate,” said DEA ex-agent Mike Vigil, who looked into the case.

The DEA and the New York District Tax Survey will make comments on what is being considered as a course of inquiry.

President Hernandez declared himself ignorant and stated that drug traffickers had been involved in illegal activities Benefit from receiving reductions in its proposed installments. También also states that since its election in 2014, drug trafficking in Honduras has been reduced by 95%, citing figures from the United States Department of State.

But experts say that the figures do not represent a precise image, which is based on drug trafficking that is very unimpressive. The United States estimates that approximately 4%, the 120 metric tons, of the South American cocaine issues will be a first step towards airing in Honduras in 2019, which is a descent with respect to what we have, according to the informs annually about the Estrategia Internacional de Control de Narcóticos para 2020.

It informs signal that “it is evaluating that its most transit through Honduras through the country has been able to make a first legacy to other countries.” Also added: “Corruption is generalized in private and public institutions”.

This week Hernandez revealed what he said he was DEA’s incubated grabs to traffickers who demonstrate that they are assisted by their election. In one of the grabs he sees a trafficker say: “Preoccupied with this sign that he is good”. In another grab, the traffickers resort to conspiracy to kill Hernandez.

Pero grabaciones stán abiertas a la interpretation y podrían ser un arma de double filo. The person who grabbed the cents – the drug trafficker Devis Leonel Rivera – had allegations against Hernandez in the New York tribunal.

Failure of cooperation

The federal fiscal authorities are also concerned that the governor of Hernandez did not cooperate with the solicitation of some key figures in the case against him and her husband.

“Many of the co-conspirators of the accused (Tony Hernández) who have been publicly, permanently accused in Honduras and have not done anything with them. If he sent solicitations of extradition. He has not been charged”, said one of the tax collectors, Matthew Laroche, during the sentence of March.

Dijo that the sentence sentence perpetuates “significant reasoning with the officials in Honduras, that all are in Honduras, that are involved in these crimes”.

A 30-year-old name was added by narcotics driver Tony Hernandez, president of Honduras

Dilema para Biden

The legal case against President Hernandez has left state officials in a dilemma while trying to detain the flow of Central American migrants on the front line. In contrast to Donald Trump, who called Hernandez an ally in his immigration policy of ‘zero tolerance’, the Biden administration adopted a more public position against public corruption in order to reform democracy in the region.

Vice President Kamala Harris has called for talks with the presidents of the North Triangle, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, but it is not clear if Hernandez will be called.

“They (the stadium officials) are working hard to not give Juan Orlando any salvavidas. It is very important to note that United States has not been rescued … by any means”, said Eric Olson, a veteran analyst from America Central with the Seattle International Foundation.

It is probable that the United States intends to prosecute Hernandez this year, in response to a charge of not prosecuting Estado foreign workers while in the cargo area.

Without embargo, Hernández will be able to be enlisted, and extradited to the United States, after deporting the cargo by 2022. But experts say he has consolidated the power in Honduras and the governing National Party is the favorite to win the elections in November. Some experts say that Hernandez can also organize a legislative impulse to revoke the 2012 extradition law.

“Retreat with the theme of the extra-serious series for Honduras … as we will be debating what we call emphysema”, doubled an ex-ally of Hernandez. “As Honduras needs to advance much more in limiting drug trafficking and corruption,” he added.

If Juan Orlando Hernández makes any statement in this case, there are potentially more significant evidence against him:
