are adaptations that are produced by the continuous practice of physical activity

Think that physical ownership alone has a positive impact on the quality and quantity of mass muscle mass is a very habitual error.

Today he has seen that the owner has a large repercussion on the nervous system, and although it does not have the adaptations that we know to produce, it is most likely that many of them will descend from them.

Although we will simplify everything with the aim of facilitating compensation, a large part of these adaptations is produced by the secretion of myoquins on the part of the muscle, is the release of neurotrophins that can provoke these myokines in the brain.

Best stress management

Ownership can reduce our direct maneuvers directly but also the ability of hackers to confront the stressful future situations of a more efficient and productive way.

In any case, keep in mind that This effect is produced in a chronic manner and is obviously not a good thing.. Hecho, the most probable is that the whole thing will happen on the other hand during a high-intensity exercise session, given that they are poor and with high concentrations of catecholamines.


Mejora del autoconcepto

Although this effect is quite relative and is produced well on a psychological level, the owner can increase the image we have of our own and can modify our behavior based on this.

Mejora en la coordinación binnespiers

The proprietary proposition can increase the coordination of the fibers that form the cross-sectional area of ​​a muscle, in the manner that it derives and consequences such as a better control engine, a mayor coordination and documentation on the capacity of power production.

Corridor Ejercicio

Better in interspier coordination

The owner can also increase the coordination that is produced between distinct muscle groups to produce a movement in which various of them are involved.

It is obvious that there is a transfer to other gestures of our day to day, as for example, to correct the escalation and can be positive and that all these neuromuscular connections will be rejected.

Body shape, mind shape: new benefits of physical ownership over your brain

Structural Adaptations A Cortical Cortical

The owner is able to affect the direct properties of the nervous system as for example the neuroplasticity, and also has the ability to favor neurogenesis, giving it all is a much more healthy and productive nervous system.

This phenomenon alone is capable of improving cognitive function, but it can also reduce the incidence of suffering from neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s.

Mujer Estiramiento

Major Depressive Disorders

Depression is a tragedy that has a lot to do with the state of the brain, and if a brain is healthy it is much less likely to overcome this type of problem.

Moreover, a depressive cerebrum is intended to prevent the body from moving, and it is in its power to favor the depressive behaviors, creating a very vicious circle.

For her, the owner is a herramienta that should be considered obligatory at the time of treating the depression, it can positively impact both physics and the mind.

Burgemeester sensation of well-being

The secretion of neurotransmitter bonds during erection, as for example the endorphin beta, can alleviate the pain and can make us feel more positive and have a better sense of humor.

Mujer Bicicleta Binne

These neurotransmitters can act in a manner similar to the form in which the brain acts as an example of morphine., but with the onset of secondary effects that can provoke these drugs.

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