Arath de la Torre tendra los das contados en el program HOY por PELEAR con compaera Qu ocurri?

Una vez ms, el program Hoy is colocal in the oracle of the hurricane after it begins to circulate the information that confirms the possible health of one of its drivers’ drivers, who presumably had a power play with one of its counterparts.

As you know, in this 2021, the morning of the San Ngel television is produced by Andrea Legarreta, Galilea Montijo, Ral Araiza, Paul Stanley, Marisol Gonzlez, Lambda Garca, Arath de la Torre and Andrea Escalona; one of them will lose his place in the transmission.

Hace unas semanas, el periodista de spectculos, Alex Kaffie confes que Ral “Negro” Araiza saldra del matutino ya que recibi ordenes de participar en la nuve telenovela del “Gero” Castro; sin embargo, su ausencia sera momentnea.

Adems, in his column in El Heraldo de Mxico, the expert in the farndula confesses that one of the names that Ms. Fuerte suena to occupy the place of the theater actor is Juan Soles, who recently excelled in the telenovela “La mexicana y el gero “.

Another ausencia?

Now, the foci are willing to burn in the matutino after that Alex Kaffie confirms that in the practices of the matutino followers will be testified by the health of another conductor, which is speculated to know what to treat.

And in the column, the periodist confesses the actor and the comedian, Arath de la Torre holds the accounts in the matutino, pese a que fue el fichaje bomba este 2021, occupying the place that by Jorge “Burro” Van Rankin.

To the motive of his salvation was a game with one of his comparisons, by which the Internet speculators who can be with the producer, Andrea Doria, who has the plans of reconciling with her husband.

“Haber peleado con ella le costar a Arath de la Torre su lugar en Hoy. Ya l tiene ah los das contados”, escribi.

