Arath de la Torre enters the death of his wife in full program: “I was shocked”

Arath de la Torre, conductor receives ingresado en el programa “Hay“, Entering the death of his wife Catalina Álvarez, wife of the deceased Mario Gutiérrez, founder of Los Ángeles Negros.

I felt most in love with the Alvarez family and the whole family of Mario mentioned

After announcing the news in the program, Arath was shocked “because” fue allí donde se enteró del deceso de su tía.

“I’m taking revenge, sorry, for failing Catalina,” said De la Torre. “Mi tía, es hermana de mi abuela. I felt most sorry for the Alvarez family and the whole Mario family ”.

Arath de la Torre explained that his family lives in Los Angeles, and approves the space to order an abrasion.

“Mario was a person who had a great legacy in popular culture with the Angels of the Negroes”, said about the Chilean.

Mario Gutiérrez died at the age of 71 after having experienced COVID-19 symptoms and problems with diabetes. Segun dio a conocer Radio ADN de Chile, su esposa habría perdido la vida por el mismo virus.


  • Arath de la Torre
  • High Program
  • Farándula
  • Mario Gutiérrez
  • Los Angeles Negros
