Aquarium Horoscope – Monday, April 12, 2021 | Water Horoscopes

It is thanks to Jupiter and Saturn that energetics are totally up for grabs and a good balance will help you get your ecunimidity and good compost inside your social circles so you can enjoy many aspects of your life.

Pronostic of the Day.
It is possible that the ideologies that habitat you live in a state of revolution precede the presence of Uranus in Taurus in your house 4.

It’s something that can be difficult during the process, but it will start with a renovation of ideas that will help your family become modern and have attractive archaic and inviolable ideologies.

You will enjoy a lot of interesting characters with creative people and with a good sense of humor and that Gemini is in your case 5, there will be intellectual personalities that you will suspect and that his characteristics that values ​​and you will love.


Gozarás de buena salud, especialmente en la zona del pecho debido a que es la parte que gobierna el signo de Cáncer, el cual se situa tu tu casa 6 y que es ahí donde la parte de la Fortuna también esta presenta par lo que tendrás esta fortuna de estar protegido y sano.

It is possible that continuous work from the home of debt to the influence of Cancer has a very significant sign in your home 6; it will be something that in particular for you seems quite agreeable and that it benefits you Fortuna here presents you will enjoy your home while working on it.

Preaching prediction.
Your allotted ideas and revolutionaries only can make a true union with people with a volunteer and sovereign forces can be the qualities that the Fuego de Leo has to offer in your house 7 to propose to discuss with this type of person and the Sol is located in your case 3 af Aries our dice that the contact and communication with this type of person will be clear, constant and strong.

Neptune in Pisces brings us incredible mystical heights that we can well prove we can convert into a source of introspection that enhances intellectual abilities that can be sensitized with this astrological aspect to learn some spiritual discipline


Amor: Ram, Leo y Sagitario.
Amistad: Gemini, Libra and Aquarium.
Work: Cancer, Scorpion and Fish.

Wenk del Día.
Plutón in Capricornio in case 12 can start causing some car boycotts in your work if it is present and you have to identify it so that when you have seas leave and take a major in this act that you are acting in an unconscious manner.

Haunted Latinoamérica – La casa maligna
