Approximately 8,000 personalities for the $ 1,200 check will be able to claim a credit on their plan or contribution on entry

Die prys van 8 000 personas pudieran ser elegibles para recibir el primer pago de economico impacto de $ 1,200, otorgado a a través de la ley federal de estimulo económico Cares, pero aún no lo ha recibido, informo hoy el Department de Hacienda.

“Our group of 8,000 is compiling the requests without facilitating the protocol of the car, and it is important to increase all the benefits with Planilla de Contribución Sobre Ingresos para el año contributivo 2020”, indicates the secretary of Hacienda, Francisco Parés Alicea, announcing a press release.

The period for the distribution of the economic aid to the citizens has been taken up, as the Congress has decided. Even so, those individuals who do not wish to receive it will use other options to advertise it, said Paris Alicea.

Altesaam Hacienda desembolsó $ 2,700 million in 1.8 million families, approximately, details the employee.

“However, we record the persons who understand that their constituents comply with the requirements established by the federal and not the debtor, that the money can be solicited as a refundable credit with the amendment of the Plan of Contribution to Ingresos corresponding to 2020, to be radar in the year 2021 ”, expressed the secretary, who stated that more details should be given about how to advertise this credit.

The Hacienda Secretariat specifies that only 24,000 pageants are paid, but the majority does not qualify, mainly because individual complaints are made as dependents on other contributors. Asimismo, will receive duplicate applications or triplicates in the United Internal Rent System (SURI).

In the same way, Paris Alicea signaled that the agency received 4,303 checks that the Postal Service could not read to its recipient.

In these cases, the persons who solicited the payment for corrective action and did not receive it, must write the Assistance file in SURI (, with a copy of their Social Security card and photo identification, to be able to corroborate your information and if in effect the check would be valid and is in Hacienda, so be sure to receive the instructions to pass and retrieve ”, expressed.

Paris Alicea said Hacienda had sent individuals, in recent days, notifications of the $ 1,200 payment. These notices are not related to the new $ 600 federal aid approved last week, just as President Donald Trump announced the new economic stimulus to prevent the pandemic. This economic aid will be distributed in the island once the Federal Treasury Department approves the distribution plan worked by Hacienda.
