“Approve the animal when it is empty”

| 14/04/2021 – 18:51 (GMT-4)

The humorist Alexis Valdés composes one of the decimals ante the new media decreed by the Cuban governing body, which approves the commercialization of minor carnage and mayor to agropecuary producers.

Carnage sale is something that is forbidden for decades in the country.

Continuing, we will integrate the verses of Alexis Valdés:

Now it’s legal in my world
sell the carne de res
The problem now is
how are you going to war
Y ahí se caga la perra
get sick and get sick
I’m not kidding the hamaca
porque imaginese usted
which is now approved by bistec
cuando ya no quedan vakas.

This March at night the Cuban governor announced in the National Television Notice that approve the sale of carne vacuna on the part of the ganaderos, of direct form in the minority red of national currency and currency free convertible.

“What our hemus proposes has as an objective potential in the immediate space of food production, about the concept of opening everything that can favor the producer, estimating production, eliminating work and adding more food to our people” the Cuban governor Miguel Díaz-Canel.

The governing body also states that the sale of the product can always be carried out to guarantee that there is no decay of the masses.

También will authorize the sale of leche and its derivatives.

This media is part of an emerging package of 63 media to increase the critique of food production that is affecting the country at some point in time, including the reduction in electricity tariffs and water for the camps, reducing the service charge of agricultural aviation, as well as the price of national and geoproducts.

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