Applications of eyetracking that revolutionize medicine

During the last year, the investigations have been accelerated and the fundamental issue has been covered which covers technology for the health of the population, for the functioning of the medical system and for society in general. It has been demonstrated that it is a very effective hermeneutics and has an important role in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and treatment of pathologies, as well as an efficient management of spaces and medical processes. If all the potential that this industry can contribute to society, and that the sector of Sanitary technology is an engine for the economy, with an annual billing of 7,960 million the euros.

It is no wonder, then, that on a global level it is believed that market touchless launch a billing of 13,000 million euros in 2025 (2) yes 50% of the applications included, at least, a touchless experience type as the miracle, the voice, the gestures or the virtual reality or the augmented reality in two years.

‘It is not science fiction. The technology allows infinite high-impact sanitary applications in the life of patients and in the capabilities of medical staff. Prohibition of sin, which is important for the investigating officers, is connected to an estas tecnologías para poder investigator and desarrollar todo su potential aplicado a la sanidad. The technology companies must provide the sanitary and institutional services to their devices and develop free forms to allow for sustainable advances. From Irisbond we are impulsive varying initiatives in this sense and we will dedicate to different centers of our technology and devices for research in different pilot pilot projects ”, afirma el Eduardo Jáuregui, Irisbond CEO.

The Spanish company Irisbond top 5 technological applications which is revolutionizing medicine.

Diagnosis of Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s

It is highly effective in the diagnosis of diseases neurologic, degenerative or vision; as well as the treatment of many affections for major people as well as children. It was discovered that the use of ocular segmentation technology can be included in the diagnosis within 10 years of nurses like the Parkinson, el Alzheimer’s o la dementia, increasing recovery and treatment, as well as a change in the patient’s quality of life. This cobra application is particularly important as it takes into account the progressive approach of current society, which is a challenge for world-level medicine.

El eye trail offers enormous potential for neurology, with this technology being able to obtain vital neurophysiological data from the advanced diarrhea education public, to facilitate diagnostics, prognosis and follow-up. The same thing happens with nurses like the dyslexia, where brinda technology support for the evaluation of the cognitive deterrent.

Distance Operations

In chiropractic prime time and precision, because it uses technologies touchless as the reconstitution of gestures or the eye detection to consult information on an orderly and invasive intervention. This is the case, for example, with surgeries with orthopedic implants or cardiovascular devices.

You can make one information management and analysis in real time about what is going on during an operation. Thus, the physicians can retrieve an information history to make decisions about the recurring march and references to similar previous operations.

Asimismo, and what’s more spectacular, teams of medical specialists can guide you to hospitals within miles of distance during surgeries, thanks to kunsmatig intelligence solutions. As an example, you can find the result by the doctor Antonio de Lacy during the Mobile World Congress 2019 and which will be converted into the first chiropractic intervention to distance grace to 5G technology.

Assistive communication technology for patients with disabilities

One of the first failures of this technology has centered on increasing the quality of life of people with different degrees of disability. Conocida como assisted communication technology, allows the patient to communicate with his free and autonomous free agency, endowment and independence. For example, patients with severe neuromotor disorders, with severe affection for both superior members and impossibility of oral or written communication, fundamentally patients with ELA, basilar artery thrombosis, infantile cerebral palsy, craneoencephalic trauma and pontinal myelin sheath.

In the Official Bulletin of the State of April 27 of 2019, the amplification of the services card of the National System of Health is announced, where the Total subsidy for ocular readers from the year 2020. Specifically, the first to march on the march of the Valencian Generalitat, which won the first bidding sum of the ocular devices at Irisbond, by being the pioneer company in eyewear tracking technologies of manufacturing and development 100% Spanish.

This system includes the optical reader, computer software, patient training and attention and / or care, as well as all installation and post-event services. The eyepieces allow the patient to control any device with the mirror. Combined with accessible programs for communication, the patient can express himself autonomously with his entourage and, among other features, can have virtual teclades and be synthesized, navigate the Internet, use his social media or write. Thanks to her, the quality of life and the self-esteem of the person mejoran notably.

Majority and Efficiency of Medical-Patient Communication

The pandemic has highlighted the importance of technology for the prevention of contagion and has accelerated its generalized application. Hecho, a worldwide survey of the OMS revealed that, during the first months of pandemic – between March and June 2020 -, 90% of the countries suffer from interruptions in their essential health services. Specifically, emergency services are interrupted in a quarter, mental health treatment rates are 61%, and cancer diagnosis and treatment rates are 55%, with consequent devastation.

Burden touch free permits, among other aspects, that the health workers work at a distance, thus establishing the means of distance distance and in addition avoiding unnecessary placements.

The most extensive use of video conferencing for medical consultations is that, among other things, it has discontinued the primary care sanitation system. There are also ongoing pilot pilot programs to develop solutions from communication between doctor and patient in situations where verbal communication is not possible, as in UCIs and with intubated patients.

Avoid tocar surfaces to minimize contagios

Undoubtedly, hospitals are critical of those who are affected by any illness. And yes, given the generalized use of technology in hospitals, the interaction in these spaces through technology and contact, can be used to reduce the opportunities for contamination.

In the United States, Sanitary Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (IAS) has 99,000 attributable deaths and costs 6.5 billion dollars a year. In Europe, there are 16 million extra days of hospitalization, 37,000 mrtes attributable to 7 trillion euros of cost a year (5).

Today about the technology of close contact you allow avoid interacting with the form of innecesaria with many surfaces, thanks to eye tracking, the commands for your movement. Specifically, it is possible to interact with the slippers, facilitate access to the information, lament with the mirrors to the ascenders or activate the access or closing access.
