Apple Watch Study on Earlier COVID-19 Tracking Graduates to Peer-reviewed Status

Using the Apple Watch to detect signs of COVID-19 infections in users is now more than a hypothetical idea.

A few studies published in January supported the idea that changes in heart rate may be an indication of early signs of COVID-19 in Apple Watch users. Now one of the studies, Mount Sinai’s Warrior Watch study, has been reviewed by the Journal of Medical Internet Research, TechCrunch highlights:

A new study by Mount Sinai researchers, published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Medical Internet Research, found that portable hardware, and specifically the Apple Watch, can effectively predict a positive COVID-19 diagnosis up to a week before current PCR-based nose swab tests.

The study was conducted using Mount Sinai staff involved in an effort to learn more about the psychological consequences of COVID-19 health workers during the pandemic.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Mount Sinai launched a study to understand the effects of the coronavirus on our staff. Led by Robert Hirten, MD, and Zahi Fayad, PhD, of the Mount Sinai COVID Informatics Center, the goals of this study are to understand the impact of COVID-19 on the psychological well-being of health care workers and to learn how this tension can be relieved. We also hope to identify COVID-19 infections in our employees before the onset of symptoms.

Mount Sinai

The Warrior Watch study is still ongoing, although the results learned by the study may already be effective for implementing preventative measures if the Apple Watch indicates early COVID-19 infections.

The endgame for COVID-19 will of course be universal vaccinations, but using data from the Apple Watch on millions of pulses can only help slow down the spread in the meantime.

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