Apple removes app store from the App Store, Trump’s social network

Apple says that publications on the social network related to the disturbances in the Capitol of the United States violate the rules against the objectionable content
Apple says that publications on the social network related to the disturbances in the Capitol of the United States violate the rules against the objectionable content

Apple eliminated Talk of its app store on Saturday, a popular application between Trump’s parties.

Apple says that the publications in the pro-Trump social network related to the disturbances in the Capitol of the United States, including violations, that violate the Apple rules against the objectionable content.

“We have always supported the representation of various points of view in the app store, but it is not located on our platform for violence and illegal activities”, dijo a representative of Apple in a communication.

Speaking has not taken the appropriate media to address the proliferation of these arrangements to the safety of individuals. We’m suspended to talk about the app store until it resolves these issues “ agrego el vocero.

    App Store logo
App Store logo

Google also eliminates a parler of the applications of Android, Google Play, el viernes to allow “scandalous content” which could incite violence like the visit this week in the Capitol of the United States.

The social network Parler has been converted into a refuge for people who have been censored by other platforms.

“We are in the midst of continuing publications in the Parler app that will encourage incitement to violence in the United States”, dijo Google in response to a question from the AFP.

“Distribute an app for Google Play, which requires the applications of the applications of a robust control versus contenido escandaloso”, added the company, making reference to its mobile application stand for devices with the Android operating system.

President Donald Trump and the declaration of fraudulent elections and las presidenciales estadounidenses have migrado and social reasons alternatively without any filter sus declaraciones infundadas.

This change is favored by some platforms like Parler, Newsmax and Rumble, which he recounted the giant’s message like Facebook and Twitter of etiquette and limits the scope of conspiracy theories.

Vista of the conversation of the state politician belonging to the Republican Party, Red Cruz mediating the social red Parler
Vista of the conversation of the state politician belonging to the Republican Party, Red Cruz mediating the social red Parler

Facebook and Twitter are suspending Trump’s comments on the four allegations of a mayor inciting violent violence like those seen at the Congregation of the State Congress in Washington.

“As a result of the urgent need for public safety in the course of this year, we are suspending that the Play Store app will have access to it”, dijo Google about Parler.

Second medios, Apple has advertised ‘n Speaking of which the application will be eliminated from its App Store and there are no tools to prevent its users from planning violent activities on its platform.

Sites like Parler have also joined Republican lawmakers as well as Trump’s campaign.

Speak and other similar sites have racist statements and anti-Semitic statements and atraen groups that have issued other platforms to publish audio messages or promote violence.


What’s up?

Google withdraws its claim to the application Parler to consider that it may incite acts of violence such as the Capitol of the EU
