Apple considers bringing back Touch ID for next year’s iPhone

Apple is reportedly bringing Touch ID back to iPhones.

The Silicon Valley giant signed the death order for the fingerprint sensor in 2017 when it began phasing out the home button in its flagship devices, but is now testing a version of Touch ID that will appear below the iPhone screen, Bloomberg reports.

Face ID was very popular when it was introduced, but has annoyed users in recent years because they were forced to wear masks during the coronavirus pandemic. The company has previously updated its software to allow users to enter their passwords more quickly.

However, the next generation of iPhones will not drop Face ID, but will give users the option to unlock their phones. Apple recently built Touch ID into the iPad Air’s wake-up button.

Apple is also considering removing the charging port completely in the upcoming iPhones, which will allow the devices to recharge their batteries just by charging wirelessly.
