Applaud Biden’s migration policy on the front, but demand more | Univision Immigration News

A coalition of organizations integrated by lawyers, religious groups and defenders of the rights of immigrants says that “applause” the migration policy of Joe Biden, but urgently to the Casa Blanca to extend the opening and to extend the front of Mexico and Mexico Eliminate Title 42, which allows the governing body to accelerate and exacerbate the coronavirus pandemic.

Off a map directed by the Secretaries of the National Security (DHS), Alejandro Mayorkas, and the State (DOS), Antony Blinken, the group compiled by more than 100 people who “applauded” the humanitarian support of 1,400 asylum seekers Migrant Protection Program (MPP) and the rapid attention of the people found in the Matamoros camp, located in one of the most difficult areas of the world.

Without embargo, both departments will extend the program to other entry points and accelerate the processes, to involve 25,000 active cases out of 65,000 that will be regressed between the end of 2019 and 2020.

La missive also celebrates the design of the Temporary Protection Status (TPS) in Venezuela “a medium that will protect the deportation to refugee miles” (a 323,000th agreement with DHS data).

Recognize difficulties

If the coalition recognizes the existence of difficulties in prosecuting the total number of migrants at the MPP on the front and those who are lying in search of asylum, the organizations are asking for a government “a mayoral compromise and coordination Buscan protection as refugees can find security in the United States ”.

“We at DHS will extend the MPP’s process to additional entry and consortiums from the United States and immediately increase the processing of all individuals involved in this program, as well as increase coordination with legal and humanitarian service providers.” people in the asylum process ”.

In addition, the DHS missile companies “hold the use of Title 42 to block and expel asylum seekers, including many African and Haitian proceeds, in this way respecting international trade agreements”.

Among other requirements, governing body organizations that make decisions and plans on the subject of “clear, effective communication and publicity to ensure that asylum seekers understand how to salvage and avoid more confusion on the front”.

Lugar seguro

In another petition formulated by the group, the governor asked for more than 40,000 asylum cases that were not actively pursued by the MPP “be lifted to a safe place” and review the reasons why the cases were decided.

The signal is that these cases, as well as those in activity, “migrants have the right to be victims of sequestration, violations, torture and other acts of violence” which obliges them to leave their countries and seek asylum in the United States.

“We are concerned that no such transport arrangements have been announced for persons destined for transit through highly populated regions of Mexico in order to reach a port of entry into the United States, or for persons obliged to return deportations to their countries of origin during the MPP ”, añaden.

The card added that, “the end and repair of the perpetrators of this monstrous policy can not be left to chance that all the MPP meetings are open to an opportunity just to seek protection as a refugee”.

“All persons forced to participate in the MPP process who are affected by a debt dispute process and violations of rights, must also be eligible for MPP action and must be subject to conditional release in the United States,” he said.

Emergency aid

The situation in which the frontier lives has become apparent to Biden’s governing body and it has doubled DHS’s ability to respond to migrants both the MPP and the watercourses that are present on the frontier.

On Saturday, the President chaired the Agency for Emergency Management (FEMA), which for the next 90 days supported the Albergue and the Accompanied Minors’ Albergue and was standing on the front.

“FEMA is now integrated with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to evaluate any option available to expand the physical capacity for the appropriate accommodation,” DHS said in a statement.

Secretary Mayorkas reconvened this week that Patrulla Fronteriza has been “working on difficult circumstances to take care of the nines that are temporarily under our care” and are destined to “be, as he said in many occasions, the installation I have a place for the children ”.

“We are working in alliance with HHS to address the needs of the UAC, as it has been very difficult to break down the protocols and restrictions that are necessary to protect public health and the health of our own proposals,” it said.

Temporada alta

Advocates consulted by Univision News related that the Biden governing body is not alone with a Trump administration governing the hereditary migration system, as well as March because it is a time of high numbers of migrants coming, all over Central America.

“It’s not like a new crisis, it’s been treated as a sign that it was registered during these months before the war,” said Bárbara Hines, professor of law at the University of Texas at Austin. “And every year we have a UAC increase”.

Hines dijo que in the four years before the problem is mantuvo occulto “because (President Donald) Trump will close the fronts, but believe that we (United States) have the ability to receive the unaccompanied nines, our humanitarian duty”.

Speaking of the governing policies of the former governor, Hines says that “it is important that Biden agrees with its policy of inverting money and helping Central America to actually address the risks of migratory deaths.” And there is an important cambio between it and the anterior goberno: “It is now entering and being processed”.

The state council demands that, in the case of minorities, there are juvenile juveniles who decide their futures in the market for the deferred migration process.

Human trafficking suspects

Defenders of the rights of immigrants and sources of the Frontier Patrol are signaling that the increase of the migratory flu in the frontier and that the government has also “been provoked by the traffickers of persons”, who are facing the change.

“They (the organized crime) are two of the sites where they can be cruised”, said last week to Univision News Irineo Mujica, executive director of Pueblo Sin Fronteras, organization that manages a mountain hut in Matamoros.

Activists say the coyotes are “between $ 4,500 and $ 7,000 for unlimited cruises.” In other words, the person can intentionally vary various ways that by the end of the year he can enter the United States, whether or not he has the asylum or undocumented asylum program.

The Patrol Frontier told Univision News that “we are currently experimenting with a large number of encounters in the Texas and New Mexico regions. These encounters include families and nieces and nephews. The largest sector of the El Paso sector is its unaccompanied nines, with an increase of 96 per cent compared to February of the fiscal year 2020 ”.

The agency agrees that “by the way, it can not expel nines or companions. For this reason, all of the unaccompanied minors are being detained and prosecuted temporally in our Central Procurement Center El Paso by the Frontier Patrol in El Paso, Texas. The recent increase in unaccompanied minors, in addition to family units, is beginning to affect our capacity, ”he said.

As far as the rest of the immigrants, sources from the Office of the Aduanas and Control Fronterizo (CBP) are concerned, they are pushing for Title 42 due to the pandemic.

This week, the Casa Blanca reiterated that, with the exception of the MPP program and the fact that it is being held at a disadvantage in the asylum situation, “the front is not open”.

And as for the immigrants who are being prosecuted and released, “it does not mean that they are asylum seekers. We must present to the court so that there is a judge who decides his cases, ”warned Alex Gálvez, an immigration lawyer who owns in Los Angeles (California). “If the board receives a deportation order from the United States”.

