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Apex Legends has introduced another wave of bans to combat hackers and fraudsters who have destroyed games this season. Developers Respawn Entertainment have also promised to increase anti-cheat efforts in general, but especially in some regions.

Unlike no other competing online shooter, hackers always find a way to ruin things for honest players in Apex Legends.

In recent months, players in Asian servers have specifically reported an increase in hackers, which has even encouraged some top players to avoid the ranking altogether until it is resolved.

Respawn’s security chief, Conor Ford, confirmed another wave of bans on February 23, wiping more than 600 fraudsters off the servers.

Apex Legends speed dev

Respawn now focuses on hackers more than ever in Apex Legends.

Apex ban golf catch fraudsters

Ford, better known as Hideouts on social media, confirmed a manual banning wave of 652 fraudsters on February 23rd.

This follows his previous banning wave of 507 PS4 players on February 10, which used an RP error to gain free positions. However, the ban for those users will only last until season 9, when they will be allowed to play again.

Fraudsters destroying Apex in Japan

Contrary to popular belief, Hideouts is not the only person in control of the Apex Legends ban. There are also automated systems to catch hackers.

Unfortunately, it seems that hordes of cheats have been able to circumvent this protection especially on servers in Asia.

Hideouts also responded to these issues, saying they would be focused on cleaning up servers in the Japanese region. Japan is the second largest market for Apex Legends.

In a follow-up tweet, the developer also confirmed that there are “plans that will be announced relatively soon to help the problem better.”

We’re awaiting the announcement of these plans, but it certainly sounds like Respawn envisages things to combat fraudsters even more.
